
Have you ever flown at?

by  |  earlier

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Dance in the wind,

feel my kiss

upon your brow.

I remember.

And I know I will not see you,

not here from where I am.

All my darkest dreams came true when

you walked into the moonlight,

transported on the water's surface

and your lullaby became


Now I stand

where we flew,


You forgot.




  1. Sadly lovely, Kudos

  2. you come from the most interesting places

    and youre always able to put us there.

    the only thing left is to wonder who you are talking to here,

    or is this what youre watching..

    its a twilight mystery for sure.

  3. See... they all love it...

  4. Very compelling,enigmatic and tragic poem. The words  themselves are very beautiful and paint a powerful emotional landscape. Such an incredibly sad but truly lovely poem.  Thank you.

  5. I couldn't have said it better than Amy with "powerful emotional landscape." That is exactly what this poem is. Very beautiful and tragic.

  6. You tried to touch my heart.

    You succeeded.

  7. The last line was a shot from the dark, totally unexpected, and therefore so much more powerful. There is a scene in the movie "Ship of Fools." At the end of the movie, while the passengers are debarking, a young man looks with loving awe at the woman whom he paid to divest him of his virginity. Obviously, it was a cataclysmic event for him, and he loves her passionately. She does not give him a second glance. For me it was a day some twenty years after my first high school romance. While walking East on Central Park South, I saw her approaching me. I stopped and gazed at her, unable to speak. She walked right on by. btw Good work!

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