
Have you ever flunked school.?

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I just wanna know. Not trying to get in your business.




  1. nope, never flunked before and i don't plan on it

  2. Not flunked a grade, but I've flunked classes. Once in high school and twice in college

  3. No, although I was close to failing Keyboarding in seventh grade. The dam **** head ***** teacher announced that I was failing in front if the entire class.

  4. no but i almost did this year

  5. Nope.

    I have to have all As.

    I once got a B+ and my mom was super mad at me.

    I can't afford to get lower than an A-

  6. Nearly flunked 6 grade this year. =3

    I get straight F's.


  7. Yep. Flunked 3rd grade.  I knew my parents were moving out of the country, so I figured I didn't need to attend.  I spent a wonderful 3 months fooling about climbing trees at school while my clasmates turned green with envy, and my teacher wrung her hands figuring that my parents must not care.  Then I learned that reports follow you to your next school.  Ouch.  However, I then reformed, and I'm a physician now.

  8. No, never./

  9. no. I've never flunked and I don't really plan on doing so.

  10. no  

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