
Have you ever followed a rainbow to the beginning and the end?

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Have you ever followed a rainbow to the beginning and the end?




  1. i've tried lol but it seemed to never end

  2. I have only seen one full sky rainbow and I saw where it started and where it ended.

    I have seen a rainbow at a waterfall and followed it to both ends. At both ends were beautiful water-polished stones that someone else would have stolen but I left there. Then the rainbow disappeared.

  3. You cannot follow a rainbow. A rainbow is caused when the sun is in a certain position above the horizon behind you, and the light shines through droplets of a particular size in the clouds in front of you. The light "bends" and is seperated into all of it's component colors and reflects back to you. Someone in a different location may not be able to see the rainbow.

  4. when i was little, then someone ruined my childhood dreams of finding a pot of gold by telling me scientific facts that rainbows are illusions :(

  5. ive tried but i was unsuccessful  :*(

  6. its an optical allusion you cant follow the rainbow. I find it funny that g*y people use it as a symbol for their lifestyle because its nothing and it gods way of showing people your eyes can be tricked.

  7. I tried once when I was abit younger. By the time I kept going, the rainbow dissapeared unfortunately...I just know there was a box of chocolate waiting for me!

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