
Have you ever forgot where you parked the car and reported it stolen?

by  |  earlier

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And then insisted to the police that the theives must have driven it there!




  1. I only forgot where I parked my car once and that was a long time ago and I have been very careful since.

    I have had my car stolen for real though! :(

  2. no, but i walked home forgetting i had the

    car and had to walk back to get it.

  3. I had a professor in college who did this once, if that counts.  He went home and did not remember his car until the weekend was over.  One of us students had to take him back to find it.  Thank goodness he did not call the police though it would not have surprised me.  The guy was a genius by the way, lol.

  4. Many times I have  not been able to find it.... one because I had just changed it and two when the Car park is full, With riding round looking for a space, and on coming out I forget where I put it. I would not dream of going to the Police even though the Station is just across the road, until the Car park had emptied and it was not there. Anyway I do not need to go anywhere as I have three stolen from right outside my door, but the Police were not really interested, until they finally came and told me that they had found the last one... they had found it and kept it for three weeks, before I was informed.

  5. i did forget where i parked and i had to look for it in a huge car park .

    it took me about 40 min to find it.

  6. No one would be that stupid!

  7. No I haven't lost the plot that much 'yet'... But I haven't forgot when my 'Jack' was stolen and still miss him....:(

  8. No, but thats because I dont drive.  

    Stormy, we are all super tonight lol x

    Edit: Awwww thats a shame steph :((

  9. Yes, I have 'lost' the car, but found it again.

    It was white & there were white cars everywhere!

    Now have a silver one, with a huge yellow bumble bee hanging on a star, so I can spot it!

  10. The 1st and last time I ever took the car to a pub

    next morning I walked into town to collect the car - it was gone. I had driven it home at the end of the night! Still can't remember doing it

  11. nope, cause I don't have a car, but in this car filled messy city u could even lose an elephant, I mean there r so many cars here, the city is nr 1 in our country 4 the most cars looking at the popullation...:D

  12. i have not got to that level yet, i am still on lost in supermarket car parks and airports

  13. You better believe it...I did when my children where little. I was loaded down with shopping (like you are) and three wee ones and a push chair in a multistory car park on a dark November afternoon.

    It was now getting very dark,  I was getting anxious because I could'nt find the car and the kids were hungry. Phoned hubby from payphone who subsequently contacted the police who in turn contacted NCP where I was and the attendant came and found the car straightaway. It was that late that almost everyone had been and collected their cars..and mine was where I had left it on the open spaces at the top of the car park. The police were not amused when they arrived. However, they took pity on me and my crying children.

    Oh me what a twerp eh?

  14. Nope, thanks to Señor Jomamo´s insistence that his precious car is always parked on a corner (less chance of being scratched)

    ...........I´m having a bit of an ugly moment.


    That´s better.

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