
Have you ever forgotten your baby anywhere? :D

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Have you ever forgotten your baby anywhere? :D




  1. Absolutely not

  2. Never!! How on earth can u forget a baby!! My daughters my main priority she comes before me!!

  3. no i could never do that but my grandma left my dad outside a shop

  4. No, but when I used to run a wool shop a young lady came in to buy some wool to knit something for her new baby, and then went home leaving the pram parked outside the shop with the new baby fast asleep inside!

  5. When my brother was a few weeks old (29 years ago now!) my mum took him to the local shop in his huge silver cross pram, when she got back my dad asked her were the baby was, "with you", she said, with a confused look on her face.

    No he's not, he went to the shops with you..."oh! bloody h**l" she said running out of the house.

    10 minutes later she was back, with my brother fast asleep in his pram!!

    They say pregnancy and birth make you forgetful ;-}

  6. Yes twice! I've forgotten my two year old both times in reception class at school having dropped off one child and then gone to check the other was sorted too.

    Strangely enough both times the classroom assistant delivered her back to me before I left the premises.

    Better luck next time!! (I am joking before anyone gets funny!)

  7. Yes, it was my first time out with my son, I was in a supermarket and my husband went to load the car up and I said I would come along in a minute, when I got to the car my husband said " Where the h**l is he" I said "Who" and then realised that I had completely forgot that I had a new born baby.I ran back to the shop and he was still snoozing away in his pram, nobody had even noticed him there..

  8. No but my 4 year old got lost in a supermarket. (We found her before  we left.)

  9. um, no. =]

    my mom forgot about me, and left me in my aunts driveway once. xD

  10. That case in the news is absolutely absurd!

    I have however forgotten my daughter at school, realised I was 10 minutes late and felt like I'd abandoned her... even took her for an ice cream to say sorry, so how the h**l...

  11. OMG NO! I would have a heart attack If I ever did...and If I did, it would have to be because I was drugged up or something! If we ever go anywhere I always have my eyes on them or am holding their hands...(they are 4 and 2)...

  12. cant say i have

  13. Actually , I have to admit I did once. We were at a big picnic and there were lots of people there and lots of kids, neices and nephews etc. I have 4 kids and they were all over with relatives etc..We were packing up to leave and my kids were bugging me .(.I want to go in Aunt Bonnie's car.. I want to go with Uncle Mike etc..) We had about 4 cars and about 12 kids between us...all going in different directions.. When I got home,  (thank God only ,a few blocks away) , I realized my 4 yr old (at that time ) wasn't in any of the 4 cars and she was still at the picnic hanging around with her friends... She didn't even know we left..Appartently she ran back to the picnic after we were getting ready to pack up and leave and no one saw her. I felt like such a jerk NOT making sure everyone was in cars before we left.. What a hectic time I wasn't too worried since I knew where she was..I just can't believe we all assumed we had all the kids and left...Never again..NOW there is always a head count and the kids are all grown up...

  14. Back in 1953 when I was a baby my sister and her friend took me to the shops and forgot about me. Luckily the grocer knew who I was and took me in until my mother came to collect me!

  15. My mom lost my bro in M&S once lmao it was sooo funny. He ran into a mirror lmao! :)

  16. I would hope everyone's answer is no. I mean how can you forget about something as important as a child??

  17. No, but I have had nightmares about leaving him at home alone.

  18. no, that is my greatest nightmare.  I have 3 kids under three and I always do a headcount to make sure I have everyone strapped in.  I am teriffied I will be so busy trying to hold onto my 2 year old and 3 year old that I will forget my 9 month old.  But, thank the Gods it has never happened, and I never plan on it happening.  

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