
Have you ever found out something on GOOGLE?

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So i decided to google my sister in law...

found out shes on this site and shes available for dating..

and shes still married to my brother how would you handle this?

Plus she has a picture up of her in underwear

I wouldnt care if she was single but since shes suppose to be a mother to my nephews and neices and married to my brother i have a problem with

would you tell him??

have you ever found out anything you didnt want to know from the internet?




  1. Wrong subject buddy

  2. Erm once I found a candid pic of me on a social network but that's nothing compared to your situation.

    Are you sure it was her...the chances of her being on that exact site you cam across is pretty slim. Ok, you're probably pretty sure it was her cos it had her name under it.

    I think the best person to tell is HER, ask her why she is doing this. Telling your brother at the moment will make things worse. Just have a chat with her and see what her problem is.

    Hope I helped

  3. this is not a computer problem ------try relations and family

  4. You have to post the link, or it didn't really happen :)

    Seriously, though, I would send the link to your brother and let him handle it.

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