
Have you ever found the secret of the universe?

by  |  earlier

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then discovered that you were mistaken. It wasn't really the secret of the universe, just a misunderstanding on your part.




  1. yeah; i'm always doing that. Thinking that I found the answer to everything and then being proven wrong.  

  2. The secrets are obvious it is only because of our false knowledge that they appear not to be.

  3.    It's secrets are endless...

  4. absolutely.

    that's what makes the world so amazing.

    you can search and search but everyone has some secret to the universe. they are all different from one another and these secrets do evolve the more wise we get

  5. Yes I have yet it has not been mistakened, at least not yet. The world contains one truth yet its interpretation is endless.

  6. secrets reveal themselves nightly to remind me that LIFE & LOVE will always prevail...thanks for asking...

  7. I think you hit on to something that alot don't realize... sometimes the biggest obstacles that stand in our the misinformation we choose to digest our intellects on... false paradigms once they are removed seems to reveal so much of the world that we weren't tuned into we experience this Ah-Hah! of enlightenment....

    The cool thing is we can repeat in other areas or paradigms(maps) we view and perceive the world with...

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