
Have you ever given someone you don't know "the finger"?

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  1. I have done this to bad drivers in the past. Now I just roll my eyes and move on.

  2. sure all the time especially driving  when i get cut off in traffic

  3. Haha yeah,it's cause these guys kept asking if I wanted to go to their house, and if I'd give them my number and stuff, so I just flipped them off and kept walking by.  

  4. I think we all have.

    Nothing happened.They went their way and I went mine.

  5. All the time...but only if they deserve it...what can I say, I live in NY

  6. yes, one time is memorable to me. a long time ago when I was driving in Chicago with some friends in the car, I did to a cab driver. I don't remember exactly what he did but he must have pulled out in front of me and almost hit me. My friends seemed shocked, not by what he did, but by what I did. They were kidding me about it because they thought I wasn't the type to do that.

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