
Have you ever given someone your contact info (w/out being asked) and told them to call anytime

by  |  earlier

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but then acted bored and interested and didn't return their calls, emails, etc. Why? Why do people do this? It's confusing! Please note: I don't mean a romantic interest just people in general. Also, why do people give mixed messages period? Thanks!!!




  1. Giving your card and saying call anytime may be a way for a person to get out of a conversation that they aren't enjoying.  It's an escape tactic.  Make sure you don't corner people or dominate the conversation.

  2. People probably determine over the phone that they and the other person do not mesh and decide not to call them back.  

  3. probably trying to be polite and they do not really want to and hope you dont call them

  4. I've done this in business situations but never in personal situations.  I've given out business cards but never with the intention of it becoming a "personal" relationship.  Now if I met someone that I enjoyed their company and really like them then I'd give them my "personal" information but that is completely different.  I always treat others the way I expect them to treat me then I treat then one step better.  I live with the realism of Karma and God in my life.  What goes around comes around.

    Peace & Love  :)

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