
Have you ever gone against your own conscience and you feel guilty about it later????

by  |  earlier

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FARTman, that used to be my words!




  1. Yes, frequently. The heart and mind having a conflict.

    It feels like being torn and pulled to two opposite directions.

  2. I almost slept with someone I shouldn't. It is against my conscience and well i said "almost" didn't I? Nothing to regret.

  3. holy cow! it's against my conscience to answer mad cow's question but i just can't resist the temptation to answer this another thought-provoking question. so, i'll just deal with this guilt feeling later and go ahead type my answer.

    well, my only consolation on doing against my conscience is if i get the 10 points for best answer... hehehehe.  

  4. A BIG YES!!!! It just means that I've got a conscience. d**n it!

  5. Nearly everyday is like that for me..


  6. Yes

  7. sometimes i do, sometimes i dont..

    PEACE =D

  8. Nope, had mine surgically removed 20 years ago. it was getting in my way.

  9. YES!!!

    d**n these humans


    I know, I'm reminding u to use that words since gindy has his 'crab bless u' hahahaha

  10. Yes,  I've done quite a few things that were against the dictates of my conscience.  Sure i felt guilty for some, dismissed others as just part of my being me.  I am at peace with myself, generally, lol!

  11. yes i try before

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