
Have you ever gone out wearing odd shoes ?

by  |  earlier

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odd as in mismatched, not a pair.....




  1. only odd socks

  2. Yes, but as I couldn't work out which one was the odd one, I wore them for the rest of the day.

  3. Never, maybe with odd socks but never odd shoes lol, I seen a man in asda once wearing odd shoes, a black one and a brown one, its was hilarious.

  4. Yep, I was running late to work, my flip flops were sitting right next to the door, put 2 different ones on!!! That was funny

  5. i havent personally but I once got a detention for pointing out to my PE teacher that she had odd ones on.....they were both green but one was nike one was reebok...she was a t**d.

  6. just odd feet

  7. Yes, I have.  I had two pairs of shoes which were the same in style.  I went to a job interview with one black one and one navy blue one.  I felt such a fool but I got the job.

  8. Yeah, about a month ago, I could not see 1 of my flip flops, so we went out, and I had one orange flip flop with flowers on it, and one blue one.

    Seriously though, who really looks at peoples feet?!

    I have gone out with no shoes on before, I find it so comfy lol, but my husband dont like it, so I havent done it since!!!!!!

  9. never

  10. No never.

  11. haha, nope!

    but i probably will. sometime in my life.


  12. Almost.  Was leaving for work walking to my car and thought I'd lost a heel on one of my boots (one sounded strange).  When I checked I noticed I had 2 different boots on.  Did have trousers on and both were black  .......however!  Lucky escape eh?

  13. Never have,.....

  14. I've worn odd pants before - does that count?

  15. no, but i met my friend for lunch one day and i complimented her on her shoe with a wooden heel. and then as she went up the steps back to her office i thought 'hmm thats not the shoes i complimented her on' and she had got dressed in a rush and put on court shoes that didnt match! they werent even the same hight heels!

    we thought that was funny. x

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