
Have you ever gone to a nude beach how did it feel, were you emabarrased?

by Guest57749  |  earlier

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I never been because i dont want anyone to look at my nani. am i a prude? how was your experience?




  1. No one cares to look at your "nani."  How old are you?  12?

    People go just to enjoy and relax in the nude.  Not to look at others.

  2. Not at all. I go all the time.

    Nude beaches tend to be cleaner, safer  and the people friendlier.

    It is very relaxing. I also found that most people on a nude beach feels embarrassed when they are dresses and everyone else is not.


  3. WTF is a "nani"? That's a new one to me.

    All I can say is that if you are uncomfortable with people seeing you naked, then maybe nudism isn't for you.

    I've gone to many nude beaches and clubs and have never felt embarassed. I actually feel more uncomfortable if I am wearing clothes and everyone else is nude.

    I say give it a shot. You can always decide it's not for you, but you'll never know until you tried.

  4. My husband and I have been going to the Hedonism resorts in Jamaica since 2001 (they have designated nude beaches).  There is very little staring/gawking, because everyone there is naked!  You may feel a little uncomfortable when you first disrobe while you get over your initial shyness (for about 5 minutes), but then realize that no one is looking and no one really cares because everyone is experiencing the same thing.  We've had some great conversations with folks while naked, nothing sexual in the least.  It is a very liberating experience and we love it- and return year after year.  Check out some message boards about the Hedonism resorts at,,, or the book "The Naked Truth About Hedonism."  

  5. Yes, been there many times.

    Always a good and enjoyable experience.

    Never a reason to be embarrassed; just relax and enjoy!

  6. Yes, I have been to a nude beach. It felt very natural, no one will look at you or gawk at you. I did nor feel embarrassed and neither will you. You should just go there and get naked. If other people see you so what, they will be naked also so they will not say guess who I saw at the nude beach naked. Go have fun. You will have a great time. Nude beaches are not what you think they are like. It will feel so natural you will never go back to a regular beach.

    Go have a great time, but make sure you bring sun screen.

  7. I went for the first time last week. I only felt strange for the first couple of minutes. Since other people are nude and I can see their goods, I figure it's OK for them to see mine. If you are laying the right way it can even be hard to see. Hair, yes..but not the actual labia..usually. Guys can't really hide anything unless they are laying on their stomach. I did have a conversation with one girl my age about waxing and shaving. She obviously looked at mine and I looked at hers. It wasn't really all that big of a deal. Considering there were six of us (guys and girls) sitting around when we were talking, I assume EVERYONE looked at mine and EVERYONE looked at hers. At a nude beach you very quickly learn that everyone has genitalia and it sort of loses it's mystique. It took me a while to get comfortable with the idea of being naked in front of strangers (ouside locker rooms) but once I got past my own small hang-ups I decided it was time to try a nude beach and I had a wonderful time.  

  8. I went, it was awesome

    it was the first time I had done it so I walked down a bit to get comfortable, but you'd be surprised at how quick things can change, when everyone else is nude and you aren't then you feel odd

    remember there are people at most beaches that are part of local nudist groups and will try to make gawkers and other undesirable people feel uncomfortable and leave, I was amazed at how well behaved and family appropriate the situation was

    you can always choose your level of exposure and no one is going to pressure you to be nude

  9. My wife and I have been going to nude beaches for several years now, we hate going to non nude beaches.

    It's Great - Try it you'll like it.

  10. First, don't worry about being a prude if you don't want to go.  Nude beaches do not appeal to everyone.

    But if you're thinking about trying one just for the experience, here's what I have to say.

    People at nude beaches will look (of course), but they won't stare in a way that makes you uncomfortable.  In fact, they are much more polite than many people you will see at a clothed beach, where it is not uncommon for men to stare at the women in bikinis.  My experiences at such places were have always been positive.  Just last week, I returned from a camping trip at a lovely spot where going nude was ok, and everyone did.  You will see people at nude beaches innocently reading, swimming, lying on their towels, having a picnic, or possibly playing frisbee or volleyball.  Nobody is going to pay any unwanted attention to you, trust me.

    And as for keeping your nani concealed, it is ok to wear shorts and just be topless.  Nobody cares if you keep clothes on, as long as you're not obviously there just to stare at everyone else.

    It really is fun, and you will be surprised at how fast you get used to it.

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