
Have you ever gone to the fridge, opened the door, looked inside and just said....?

by  |  earlier

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....Oh c**p?!




  1. yea..funny how there can be a full fridge of food and nothing floats ur boat

  2. onlii every day

  3. Just did that a little bit ago.  Really need to get to the store.

  4. yer 1hr ago couldnt be botherd making out

  5. Yes. We never have food :-)

  6. more cookies...gasp! :)

    acttually the only thing in my fridge now is wheat bread,

    milk, jam, fruit, water, butter..haha! shopping tomorrow

  7. lol pretty much every day.

  8. Yeah sometimes when I realize we have no good food or when I go to put something in the fridge that doesn't go in there (like the bread).

  9. no

  10. ya

  11. No, because I don't use expletives in such a casual way. I have a vocabulary that contains more exact words to express my thoughts on the occasions such as you describe.

  12. twice a week for the last  40 years or so,


  14. Yes usually the day before do weekly shop as is nothing much left and no real treats or snacks........usually have cereal then or cheese on toast.....had bacon craving last night & no bacon..........

  15. At least once a month.

  16. LOL!!

    I just did that 2 secons ago, I'ts full of c**p I don't have the munchies for.

    Do you have some cheese cake I can have?

  17. Yeah, once...when I found a rat inside....

  18. Yup.

  19. Usually I just keep randomly checking hopin that something will materialise that I want to eat.  

  20. atleast 5 times a week !


  21. yes i did that to day cause the milk fell out and spilled all over the floor but i said something else kinda like that...

  22. Yeah. Then I go to the supermarket.

  23. I do that every night after work.  

    In fact, I did it about an hour ago...took out the jar of Hellmann's Mayo (only thing in there besides vinegar!), and had a small spoonful.  Yes, I know, disgusting!

  24. Haha yes, because someone ate something I wanted to.

    I also have this habit where I check the fridge 5-10 times in an hour, even though I know there's no good food in there anyway.

  25. Ohhhh yeah! so many times, thats happened to me.  

  26. Yeah, lol

  27. No. I'm a bit scared of my fridge and I try to stay away from it.

  28. yeah once my mom put ugly live looking fish in there !!!

    & that's exactly what i said

  29. Yeah .....Uh did those get in there ?

  30. yep

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