
Have you ever got a visit from a dead friend or relative?

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if so i'd love to hear of your experiance!




  1. No.... and I am not expecting any visit at all.....

  2. I haven't been "visited" but there have been moments were a strong feeling of them being near has hit me. I can be mid conversation and the thought of their name hits me out of nowhere and I feel chilly. I don't get afraid though, I figure its just that person checking up on me.

  3. My dad came back one night in a dream to say goodbye. I wasn't in the room with him when he died, but I'd been with him for the last two weeks of his battle with cancer, feeding him, changing, giving his meds. But when he died I was in the kitchen, crazy. However 2 weeks later He came as I was dreaming of a park I'd been to many times, lots of trees and flowers, it was warm and I my children were little again, I had one by the hand and the other in my arms, they were actually grown at this time...but daddy walked up beside me and kissed my cheek and said "I just wanted to say goodbye kitten" and he walked away, I couldn't hold on to him because I couldn't let go of my children and he couldn't stay. I woke instantly, crying, and I could smell his skin and feel the warmth of his cheek on my face. I knew he came just to say goodbye because he didn't get the chance before. It was bitter sweet, but I'm glad he did. I love you daddy. Sorry, this is a downer response.

  4. My bf's old friend comes to visit often. He's only seen him once but I've seen him many times and so has his mother. He comes down the hall from the kitchen straight into our room. Sometimes I can feel his presence and tell my bf but it freaks him out. He believes but doesn't want to see.

  5. My grandfather has visited me in my dreams many times throughout my life, especially when I was younger. I am in my fifties now and I've not seen him for about 9 years. They were always comforting dream. I always knew it was him but I only saw a figure not a face, I guess that's due to my never meeting him, he died before I was born...but my mom always said he was the sweetest man in the world, she was only 16 when he died.

  6. The description of 'visit' is vague.  I saw my friend sitting across the room from me for approx. 30 seconds minutes after his passing.  I telephoned the hospital and was informed that he had passed AFTER I saw him across the room.  I knew he was hospitalized, obviously, when I saw him.  I knew, as well, that he was there at that moment with me.  My friends tell me he came to say good-bye.  I am not certain of all my beliefs on this type of subject.  I do, however, know that he came to me for a brief moment.

  7. I've never had a personal encounter with the dead, but i would sometimes feel a strange presence surrounding me and the air would become thick and i would feel a strange chilly sensation along the length of my eye too.

  8. Two of my best friends died in a car accident when I was a teenager. One of them came to me in a dream that night and told me she was OK.  I had no idea what was going on.  I thought it was really weird when I had the dream - then the next day I found out she died.

  9. Yup. My father, my grandfather, two grandmothers, both of whom I never really knew, one of whom died when I was 3. They come for a visit often. My father though has a voice that I'll never forget, it's just easily recognizable to me, and one particular day I very clearly heard him say, "Hello, Joanne." He comes to me a lot in my sleep too, as that state of sleep right before you fall asleep is perfect for spirit communication. I heard and see better in this state.

  10. My grandfather passed away and would come back to let us know to check on grandmother.  Once, she had fallen out of bed at the Nursing home, the next time she has screwy blood- sugars, the last time she was passing away.

    The staff at the nursing home thought that I was nuts but they would check on her and ask "How did you know?"

    My uncle asked the same question... I couldn't tell him that Grandpa had always liked me more than his own son!!!!

  11. Not exactly but my friends do get from their dead uncles and grand parents, its usually in their dreams not in person or like in horror movies

  12. I've never had it happen.  But, I'm open to the idea and think it would be kinda neat.  I believe people when they say they've "seen a ghost".

  13. No, I have not. Death is final evidently.

  14. When I was 3 I dreamed that my father walked under this enormous apple tree  in our back yard.The branches slowly lowered to the ground and then slowly rose up.when they arose my father was gone!Then one of the apples spun around and his face was on itIt was then that I noticed all of the apples were faces---dead faces!Two Navy guys showed up the next morning and told my mother that my father had been shot down last night and killed.I already knew he was gone...

  15. yes, but the weirdest was from my mom's best friend's mom.  she came to thank me for the flowers i sent her the week before she passed away ( ihad a strong urge for some reason), then she came back to tell a message to give my mom's friend.  she was right.  i couldn't have understood the message and i didn't even know her, just of her.

  16. There are times when I feel like I've been comforted by them.  They don't make themselves known really.  But in times when I'm missing them or other bad feelings over take me, its like I feel someone familiar telling me "It's all going to be alright,"

  17. Every once in a while i get a strong wiff of beer and there is no reasonable explanation....but my grandpa was an alcoholic...we have his car and that is always where i smell only happens when myself or my mom are in the car!

  18. In a dream.  A cousin of mine that i was very close to passed away she was 35.  Her death hurt more than my grandparents and father put together.  I was in a mall parking lot and a guy was calling me.  I thought he wanted my number or something because I didnt know him.  He started walking toward me and changed into my cousin who is a girl.  When I saw her I tried to act like she was still alive (wishful thinking).  I was trying to trick her into believing she was alive, but she tricked me by acknowledging she was not here.  I said extremely happily "hi how have you been" and she gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and said "I know you miss me".  Then she walked away.  I awoke with a strong emotional feeling of warmth and love.  I was actually balling in my sleep which made me wake up.  It was so real.

  19. What, no insults this time?

    I believe it's perfectly natural to wish to interact with someone you cared for but who is gone.

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