
Have you ever got bad product off Ebay but were afraid to leave negative feedback?

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because you know they will Flame you right back and ruin your feedback




  1. with Ebay... generally speaking. your first option or step if you feel like you got something... damaged, or grossly misrepresented to contact the seller.  leave them a message, or get their email or whatever and try and work it out with them directly.

    that being said... Ebay is an auction site.  the phrase let the buyer beware  ...should be your operating premise.  If something was too good to be true... but they didn't lie.  You just were greedy.  You really don't have much of a case for being upset.

    also.. if the auction started, finished, you paid the person... they sent you the item.  all took place.  what is the problem.

    if it's the thing you bought wasn't what you thought it'd be... again, try contacting the seller.

    be courteous, and explain your complaint, and ask what options you have... can you exchange it?  return it for refund? etc

    That being said... if you truly do feel taken advantage of and getting ahold of the seller didn't work, or wasn't possible.

    Leave an honest feedback.  specifically outlying your complaint.

    ie.. if it wasn't what you thought it'd be.  say simply that.  and if you tried to work it out with the seller and nothing happened.  ...say .  item wasn't what i thought it'd be, weak response, or poor customer svc from seller after the fact.  

    sometimes... giving a bit of bad, with some good is also helpful.

    ie... item wasn't what i thought it'd be, but shipping was quick, payment easy etc.  

    is a good way to isolate the problem...without smearing the seller.

    what both sides fear is a petty and childish response.  that's not reflective of a rational person.

    if you give bad feedback, and the seller returns fire with a flame or tries to ruin your rating... you can try to go to ebay directly to resolve the issue.

    pretty sure they offer some sort of arbitration type help... for situations that get out of control.

    in the end.  decide if the benefit.. of warning other people, or putting out there your feelings is worth the repercussions.

    even if your account is tarnished by the response, wouldn't you rather have known about this seller... by someone else, who maybe didn't post their negative feedback, for fear of reprisal.

  2. Don't worry about it. I've had an ebay account for almost 10 years, and thankfully, have only had to leave negative feedback twice. Ebay is a community based on trust, so when the trust is broken, that is your only means in which to point someone out. The only thing I would advise is to try to contact the person first and explain the entire situation before leaving negative feedback. Most people, who enjoy the Ebay experience, are genuinely sorry about bad transactions, and will try their best to come to a positive solution.  

  3. What's to loose?  Give it to em with both barrels!

  4. Well just do it, Tell the world that they are providing bad services and bad products.

    If they flame you, contact E-bay and it's kind of obvious why you were flamed, so they can delete the bad feedback that would be scowled at you =)

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