
Have you ever got the urge to...?

by  |  earlier

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lay out a big blanket outside of your yard & just chilllllllll?

*i feel like doing that right now! ; ) what about you?

&& Questions because im bored&curious:

1. most hated day of the week?

2. favorite day of the week?

3. in the past week have you felt sad?

4. Do you tend to listen to your friends when they tell you that a boy / girl you might date is bad for you?

5. how was your day?





  1. 1.monday




  2. yea , quiet , windy is what i like outside when i chill

    1 ) Monday

    2 ) Friday

    3 ) No

    4 ) I never listen to them lol

    5 ) My day was okay but now i have to worry because school starts tomorrow

  3. yup, especially at night. right under the stars.



    today I was kinda sad but I'm okay now.

    if they had a good reason, yes, of course I do.

    it  started out crappy, got better, and its ending great.

  4. yeah every now and then i want to




    4.if they have a good explantion

    5.super boring

  5. I never grab a blanket to lay out on, mainly because the grass always pushes it up in strange ways.

    I do, however, enjoy sitting on the back deck for extended periods of time - day or night - and taking notice of my surroundings. At night, there are these fabulous bats that chase one another wildly amongst the trees, and during the day, I love the soft wind that sweeps across the leaves.

    One. I hate Monday. Of course, if Monday were Tuesday, I would most likely hate that day as well.

    Two. Saturday is a cliche choice, I know. But I'd have to say I always enjoy my Thursdays for some reason.

    Three. Most likely.

    Four. I don't really date all too much, but when I do, I don't listen to silly commentary such as that. It's my choice afterall.

    Five. Pretty good! Although, I didn't get all my school-clothes shopping done. I get a little flustered in stores, because there are so many clothes and so many ideas and thoughts circling my mind. I rather shop online, but I can't. Because for one, I don't have a credit card. And secondly, I need to try things on. AND. I was in the guy's section of Urban Outfitters today, and small isn't that small. So I have to choose what things are worth getting tailored and which are not. Boo.

    ...that was longer than you were most likely expecting. My apologies.

    Although I did have fun!

  6. Yup! And I have!

    1. Mondays. Ew.

    2. Fridays!

    3. Yes. = [

    4. Yep, they have a tendency to be right. I don't always follow them though.

    5. Awesome! School was fun, and it is my birthday. = ]  

  7. Yeah, just being outside and relaxing and away from everything...

    1. Tuesday

    2. Wednesday / Sunday

    3. YES. Drama and love and attraction all messing with me.

    4. Hasn't happened

    5. Umm ok. Have to keep going to the doctors :(

  8. 1. most hated day of the week? wendsday

    2. favorite day of the week? friday duh!!!

    3. in the past week have you felt sad? umm yaaaa lol

    4. Do you tend to listen to your friends when they tell you that a boy / girl you might date is bad for you?no umm but i might if they say it about a girl

    5. how was your day?eh sad boreing blah blah blah ...


  9. h**l yes. I do that all the time on my front porch.

    I wish I had somebody to lay out there with me though :(

    1. I HATE Mondays!

    2. I LOVE Fridays and Saturdays!

    3. VERRRRRY sad! I love my best friend and I can't get the guts to tell her. And my sister didn't have me as a bridesmaid.

    4. Never had that happen. But I would listen.

    5. Blah. Slept till 2 on a stupid cot that I can't stretch out on at my grandmas. Then ate chips. Then came home and made spaghetti. My day was boring. But soon it will be a LOT better. My best friend is coming over. God I wish I could tell her how much I really like her. I know she would be with me.

    Peace to you to!

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