
Have you ever gotten a 12 point buck?

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Couple kickers




  1. Yes, on the last day of 2007's firearms season.  

  2. Yes, I did in New Brunswick, Canada. I saw it about 5:45AM, and it saw me at the same time, but I shot it in the spine with my Sako .300 magnum before it could escape. Prestom, my guide, asked, "What are you shooting at?" The buck weighed 320 lbs., so my guide thought he needed to call another guide to help him drag it to his car to take to be tagged. I lifted it and carried it to his car, however.

  3. Yes in south Texas near Big Bend national park.

  4. Nope, not yet, but I dont always worry about how many points the sucker has. Saw an 8 point last fall that was huge, and had a 6 inch drop tine on one side. His sheds were found the next spring. He grossed over 180 points, 160 + after deductions. Now that is a big deer.

  5. No an 8 and a 4 is all I have gotten, maybe this year!*

  6. Yes, a basic 11 point with a 5 inch kicker point making the rack a 12 point- My best ever- it was a bow kill on public land, 5 years ago, weighed 195 after field dressing it. One of my best memories. Shot him on the last day of hunting season.Started to climb out of my stand at 10 and turned around and decided I would give it 5 more minutes. Nothing happened so I turned around in my climber to climb down, and looked one more time, and there he was. Sometimes it just boils down to good luck .

  7. I wish! I'm not holding my breath though, we don't get many really NICE 12 points in my area of Florida. Everyone around my area wants to shoot at anything and everything that chases a doe. :(

    Although this year I'm on a lease that is supposed to be managed well for higher class deer (for Florida). Wish me luck! :)

  8. No not yet.*

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