
Have you ever gotten a Dear John Letter ?

by Guest33713  |  earlier

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i got one today from my niece I was to take care of her for the weekend and well i kinda forgot ...

so when i got home she left me a note saying off to Mexico back in a few days...Mexico is two hours away..but dangerous ..Shes eighteen in college , good kid ...but why did she have to do this to me

what should I do?




  1. She's 18. What can you do? It's not like she's a little kid who needs constant supervision and has to be reminded of what she should be doing. She wanted to go to Mexico so she went. Like you said, it's dangerous, so call her mom and keep calling her cell phone, too. Make sure she at least tells you where she's at, what and how she's doing so you can keep tabs on her, even if it's from a distance. When she's home, she should be in for a big lecture on the dangers of what she did, as well as worrying and taking advantage of her poor auntie and her parents.

    I have never gotten a Dear John letter. Don't remember whether I ever sent one, either, except to my husband, whose name is John. It wasn't that kind of letter, though. ; p

  2. If it's not addressed to me I don't open it.

  3. No, I never got a letter or anything, my sister asked me to babysit a couple of years ago, her 2 kids, she never came bk for a whole weekend....

    Talk about stress and worry!!!

    She was partying!!!

  4. You need to go find that kid.  It is not safe in Mexico especially TJ and a lot of the border towns.  Call her cell if she has one and call her parents if she doesn't.

  5. You can't do anything but support her and accept it.

  6. nope, but next time don't forget and announce me 2, I 2 wanna go 2 Mexico only 3 months left before I turn 18...:D

    try 2 call her, take some da off, and surprise her in Mexico, why does she has 2 have all the fun...>:)

  7. You need to start keeping track of responsibilities  that you know you were to be doing.

    Can you imagine the guilt you will now carry   if something bad does happen to her???

  8. Does she have a cellphone, or any other way you can contact her?

    Well she's 18, and there's not much you could have done anyway since you were busy.

    She probably knew to stay at your place even if you were out, the only thing to do would be to call her parents and explain what happened. She must know too, that she'll be in loads of trouble when she gets back.

    lol! Buy another one, and see if the parents notice the difference!

  9. the frumpillians responsible cuz its the frumpy thing to do.

  10. No letter, but while I was in Munich the young man I was supposed to be watching stayed out until 5AM.  I wound up waking up his parents and telling them, because he could have been in trouble and I was the only one who knew he didn't come back yet.  Turned out he and his friends got lost and had no way to contact me.

    Not much you can do I think, other than calling the parents to let them know.  Hope she comes back ok.  She probably will.

  11. UGH that's some situation..

    and not a good one!!!

    there's nothing you can do other than call and hope she comes back in one piece and alife..

    after that you can yell at her as much as you want!!!!

    UGH kids..they all suck!!!

    but seriously, blame the person who put you in charge of an 18 year old!!!

  12. Wow Lulu , how are you doing ? Has she answered any of your calls yet ? Text her and ask her to just let you know that she is ok .

    I hope you hear something soon .

    There is really nothing short of you going down there and looking for her and her friends . HEY ! try her friends. But if you go down there , then where do you start ?  You know . Sorry Lulu . Just stay home and wait it out .

    But she gets home then let her HAVE IT ! No , not a beat down . But let her know that you were really worried and that it does not matter how smart or how old you are that anything bad can happen to you .

    Good Luck

    Damm those " I know it all " teens !  

  13. Well, technically a "Dear John" letter is a note a woman leaves her husband or boyfriend saying goodbye.  

    Your niece just left you a note that she took matters into her own hands since you "forgot."  I would suggest you go get her.

  14. I have never got a Dear John letter... the men just went off with other women, at least they had to desency to tell me to my face... S**t heads   LOL

    Your niece will be fine, while you're sitting there worried sick, she's having the time of her life...  

  15. Now that your WHITE HUSBAND has been promoted to a Security Officer for special events, will he accidently display his uncontrolled aggression and racist anger in public, like he does when he slaps you around the house in front of your WHITE CHILDREN?


  16. you're best staying single, you're certainly

    not fit to be a mother :) poor kid, at best she

    found someone that is capeable of taking care of her,,, now about that weegie, give it you're

    best shot.

  17. Most letters  I get are bills

    Hmm I would wait a few days but call her to check up on her. If she avoids it then you may have to report her as missing. or tell on her call her parents so she can get that spanking. 18 is not to old to get a spanking.

    Oh yeah A reply to your question on my post

    she was a christian also lol.

    She went to church like sundays or wednesdays.


    Lol yep. I know she regretted it lol. But I am free now. No more liar in my life lol. I would like to give a shout out to God for saving me from her lol!

  18. What do you mean "why did she have to do this to me" ????

    Sorry love but you are the one who forgot you had her for the weekend so you are the one to deal with anything if she gets into any trouble.

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