
Have you ever gotten into an argument with your dog.....and lost?

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Have you ever gotten into an argument with your dog.....and lost?




  1. i used to.

    patches (RIP) was a very argumentative and stuborn dog.

    she would use her nonsense logic to beat me in every argument.

    she watched too many will ferrell movies.

    then she hanged herself.

    using her chain and the fence.

    it was sad.

  2. No, but I often feel like she "lets" me win because she doesn't want to hurt my self esteem.

  3. No, I never lose and argument with my dogs.

  4. Mhmm. My dog wagged

    it's face and then loads

    of drool just went flying

    through my face.  

  5. no but I've gotten into several with random spiders and lost!!!


  6. In some cases you have to be smarter than your opponent.

  7. I don't have a dog but I can't win against the cats.

  8. yeah. but it's not really fair, since it ended with her bitting my jugular  

  9. No ..I have always won .ggrrrrrrrrr...

  10. lmoa!

    this is such a cute Q!!

    and to answer ur Q, yes all the time lol

    shes a stubborn boxer =D

  11. No but when cats give me the look.. I can't say a word!

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