
Have you ever gotten stung by a bee?

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I havent and im 14! ***Knock on wood!***




  1. yes one was on the collar of my coat and i put it on it stung my neck

    then a wasp wanted my apple i tried to shake it off it stung my hand

    i took my shoes off for P.E when i was little there was a wasp in my shoe and was sitting on my sock i tried to kick it away it stung my foot

    Also one was in my hair i pulled it out and it stung me

  2. Yes. I got stung on the eyelid by one that flew in the car window while I was driving once.

    Very nearly wrapped the car around a lamp post trying to swat the bugga too. Hurt like h**l and my eye swelled up!

  3. yes when i was about 9 it has made me petrified of them ever since.

  4. nope and i'm 18.  For all i know i could be allergic too. (it runs in the family.)

  5. Yup, put on my slippers and got stung on my big toe, didn't know what had hit me, screamed like a banshee..

  6. Yes, when I was 6 I tried to hit the bee and I did that with my finger and it stung me and I went round the whole house screaming!!!

  7. yes got stung in the nose and boy my face swelled up like a freak for 2 weeks.  

  8. Yes about 4 times

  9. Yes it it hurt like h**l

  10. Riding along on my motorcycle one day ZZZZZZZZAPPPPP!!!!!


    whats going on I have to stop the pain (in my neck) was searing like acid burning into me.

    Pull in

    Look in Mirror

    Meanwhile girlfriend on the back gets off and starts screaming and freaks out - jabbering 'Thers a bee in  your neck'

    The bee is still there - embedded in my neck, and dying while pumping his venom into me.

    I have to fumble to remove my gloves whilst she is freaking out and it feels like ages until I am finally able to pull the beast out and drop him to the floor...

    Meanwhile I have the pain to deal with and a girlfirend to calm.

    And she didn't even get stung!

    You asked - I answered :-)

  11. Mhmm, it only hurt when I was younger.


  12. Only once. The stinger didn't even go in, so I'm not sure it really counts. It hurt, though!

  13. I am 39 and got stung by a wasp for the first time last week!, yiekks it really really hurt and I felt almost high for about 20 mins after, then it itched for hours!, mean mean wasps!!

  14. I'm 14 too and iv never been stung by a bee/wasp and i dont want to be ethier touch wood

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