
Have you ever grown tired even of... your little guilty pleasures?

by Guest57294  |  earlier

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Have you ever grown tired even of... your little guilty pleasures?




  1. ...i just don't deserve you ....seamanab x

  2. Actually no...I may grow tired of a "specific" guilty pleasure and delete or add accordingly, but, it would seem I need at least a few of those "pleasures" of some kind around me at all times.  (sigh)

  3. Yes I have.

  4. after menopause i have not got any pleasures. the only thing i am never tired of is ice cream

  5. nope.

  6. Only if you over-do it...

  7. of course, especially if you have a tendency (and a lot of people do) to over indulge.  

  8. I just need some change.

  9. Definitely.  Somehow my 'guilty pleasure' cd case ended up in my car rather than my main cd case.  After a few hours of the Go Go's, Def Leppard, and Luscious Jackson I was really craving some of the usual.

  10. Yes.  When a guilty pleasure is indulged too often, it becomes commonplace.  Where's the fun in that?  Also, your personality changes over time, as do your tastes and your sense of what a guilty pleasure is.

  11. yes i do!♥

  12. Tired, occasionally, maybe even bored, but never ever guilty. IMO that's a wasted emotion.

  13. Yes...and that's pretty terrifying! It's like getting too used to a drug, you want something stronger to feed your desire.

  14. Of course I have. While our guilty pleasures might bring a lot of satisfaction at times, we don't want to become obligated to indulge in them -for then they, like anything else, can become drudgery. Sometimes we have to take a step back and do something else for a little while. Too much of anything is....too much.

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