
Have you ever had 2 spirits talk to you at the same time?

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If I hadn't received 2 good poems that the same time almost..I wouldn't have believed it either. And they were fairly long. Wish I could post them.




  1. yes, this has happened to me.  sometimes more than two channeling at the same time.  it sounds noisy to me and i have had to ask them to slow down and take turns.  mostly they are excited to be able to 'get online'  with the living.

  2. In the world of imagination, you can have a whole choir of spirits talking to you!  Yesterday I had an imaginary conversation with Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton and Richard Feynman. We were discussing baseball.

  3. um, that doesn't sound right... you should get checked out for that.

  4. yes and it gets confusing.

  5. Joel & Faithless don't know what they are talking about! I believe you, though I've only talked to spirits, one at a time.

  6. Write it. Strange situations give good material for interesting things or for a self-analysing .

  7. Ive only ever had one inner voice..(thats what i like to call it) giving me answers...more than one could get confusing...but it does happen...BUT dont get confused with your own thoughts, and the thoughts of the higher self...could seem like two spirits......I guess if someone was channeling the dead..more than one could and will come through....depends on what you are doing....

  8. Well, I knew this man in town one time who claimed to have people talking to him,  and I had an aunt one time who claimed to hear voices in her head.  But she started going to a psychiatrist, and the spirits eventually left her.

    The man I was talking about died in the area mental hospital.

  9. No. Most of us are sane.


    It's not unusual becasue mental illness is not unusal.

    John Edwards is a showman who makes his living by pretending he is talking to spirits.

  10. You dear have schizophrenia.  Nope, has never happened to me.

  11. People are so intolerant.

    No it's never happened.

    I've just talked to one at a time. It's fun, but weird.

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