
Have you ever had White Castle burgers?

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What's the most you ate at one time? What do you think of them? Have any nicknames for them - like Belly Bombers, etc?




  1. Yes, and the most Ive eaten are around they are AMAZING!!! no nicknames though...good one: Belly Bomber!!!

  2. I grew up on white castle in NY....I love them. I think I've eaten only like 10 at the most. That's when I was a kid, my metabolism was really high. I like the fish sandwiches.

    My grandfather called them shitburgers...LOL

  3. I had 11 once.

    ...there's no joke here, I just ate 11 of them once.

  4. Yes, 2, Good, No

  5. I've never had em!

  6. I have fond memories of white castle as a kid. Yum!

    Their little burgers were sooo good!

    I don't remember a nick name for them other than little burgers.

    They shut them all down where I live a long time ago.

    BUT, you can purchase them in your frozen section at your grocery store now!! YAY!

  7. Yes, I've had Sliders, generally about 8 in a sitting.  I'm not sure how many at the most.  10?

    What do I think of them?  They're nasty, greasy, slimy.  Yet somehow, they're good.  I love them, but I don't know why...

    I'm pretty sure they're terrible for you.

  8. Yes when I was pregnant. I think I ate maybe 6. I thought they were good at 3:00 in the morning and I was craving.

  9. never :O

  10. no, i haven't

  11. 15 burgers and 5 cheeseburger, 1 fry and 1 onion rings.........yeah I'm a pig but I only get them when I go home to New York and the 6 frozen ones in the market for 5 bucks is  a rip off.

  12. I ate 2 of them and they were horrible (might of been cause it was late at night and they were old)

  13. Being from the south, we eat their counter part - the KRYSTAL.  My entire life I have heard from those who migrated south that if I liked Krystal, I'd love White Castle. Well, this past winter we went to Cincinnati to catch a Red's baseball game. We made it a point to find and eat at a White Castle...and I have to say, that no way, no how is a "Slider" better than a "Gut Bomber"!  Same square burger, same steamed bun, but absolutely no mustard on a "slider"!  When we asked for mustard, we were handed brown mustard Vs. yellow. So, to answer your question - I have tried them and they are good, but not "down south" GREAT!  

  14. The most famous name for them is "Sliders".  I'm from Michigan and everytime I go back for a visit I bring home 2 cases of 36 each. One for home and one for work. I also eat them while I'm there.

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