
Have you ever had a Magical Moment?

by  |  earlier

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  1. I have those moments almost 2 times a day. I've been told I'm good luck a lot. The most amazing one was when I was in the woods with a couple of friends and they we making animal noises so I decided to howl like a wolf. No less that a minute later a beautiful golden brown wolf  walk in front of us. It stood there for about 5 minutes just staring at me! I almost passed out with joy!

  2. kiss with the boyfriend

    on the first date hehe

    watching a g*y movie

    he kept leaning in close

    to me and finaly i leaned the

    extra half an inch. i thought i had

    imagined it at first. every moment

    im with him is magical. holding hands

    laying on his chest

    haveing his arm around me. kissing me

    just wathing movies together.

    hes at basic training right now and its very

    hard... =[ <3Q

  3. I did but that was 2 hours ago...or so.

  4. Yes,i have had magical moments in my past.

  5. yes i have a few but one was not to long ago about 3 mths now and it was late evening about 10 ish pm and i was letting out my dog and as i walked down my path into my garden i saw something small standing at the side of the pathway i thort it was a rat or something but when i looked closer it was 3 fae's standing there now i dont do drugs for those who think that or drink i dont even smoke but there they were just standing there all 3 of them and when walked down my path and walked back they were still there so i smiled and let them know i saw them and called my one dog at the time in and thats that that was truely magical but the most magical thing of all is giving brith to my 3 kids i love them so much i have a son of 8 a daughter of 3 and a son of 1 and there daddy i love to watch him sleep in the mornings or when he is giving the kids attention and they all bring magic to my life everyday without them i would not be the mother or person i am todayxxxx

  6. Every moment is magickal.

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