
Have you ever had a Ovarian Cyst.. what to look for?

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I'm just interested if anyone has had one and if you could explain what symptons you had that made you go to the doctors to get it checked out as at the moment i think i might have one, but at the same time, i'm not sure if i've just got that idea in my head!!

I've had dull ache pain on my right side.

I've also had strange irregular bleeding.

Apart from the dull ache, i've also had cramping simular to period pain.

Slight weight gain.

Sometimes a slight feeling of nausea.

If you had one, what was the outcome?

Thanks for your help!




  1. i felt nauseouss since i woke up, stomach pains, slight fever, i felt like i was on my period because i was getting such bad cramps and i had that same dull ache on the right side. back then i didn't know about ovarian cysts so i thought maybe i was just coming on my period. i went to check if i was on and i was in a lot of pain and i just collapsed on the floor. doctors thought that it might have been appendicitis but in the end said it was a cyst.

    during the pain i could have sworn i felt like a popping feeling on the right side... thats when the pain was most..

  2. I have had loads of them over the years some bigger than grapefruits, sometimes I have symptoms similar to yours, sometimes not. It is best to get a scan, the type pregnant women get, and get a diagnosis, as some cysts can be dangerous, some can strangulate and couse terrible pain, that has never happened to me though, but it can also effect your fertility, so it is best to get it checked out. i have been offered surgery in the past to remove them, but I didn't opt for that, at the time I was trying to get pregnant and didn't want to add internal scar tissue to my problems, in the end they go away, on their own. When they do, if they do pop you can get very sharp pain for a short time, then the mother of all periods. My periods tend to stop while I have a cyst. I would urge you to get it checked out, it isn't painful, the scan, then you can decided what to do for the best. Good luck x

  3. If you have pain in your ovary area (this is the area you seem to be describing in your question), then you might have an ovarian cyst. I have experienced the same type of pain whenever I have had an ovarian cyst.

    I have had a number of bilateral ovarian cysts (which included functional, hemorrhagic and endometrioma cysts) over the past 10 years. And I have even needed surgery for 2 of them because they didn't resolve after a few cycles (as they usually do).

    Ovarian cysts are usually a common and harmless swelling of one or both ovaries. These cysts most often occur in women who are between puberty and menopause, when the ovaries are in high gear propelling out mature eggs. The term functional means the cyst is not caused by any underlying disease or disorder, and that it will possibly resolve (shrink and disappear) on its own in a few weeks.

    Some functional ovarian cysts have no symptoms and are discovered, if at all, during routine pelvic exams. Others can cause symptoms, including changes in the menstrual cycle, including shorter or longer periods, skipped periods, and/or spotting between periods, pelvic pain or ache, especially during sexual intercourse or at the start or finish of menstruation, feelings of nausea or queasiness or breast tenderness.

    I recommend that if you have any concerns regarding this pain you are experiencing, that you consult with your doctor/gyno for further evaluation. Sometimes ovarian cysts can become large and can twist or rupture causing intense pain and sometimes turning into an emergency.

    Good luck :)

  4. I had several and did not know a thing about it until a routine ultrasound. Cysts rarely have symptoms, so maybe there is something else wrong or you are a slight hypochondriac. I had the cysts removed via keyhole surgery about 13 years ago and I'm fine ever since.

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