
Have you ever had a PARANORMAL EXPERIENCE...???

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What happened?

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  1. No.

  2. yes ive had quite a few, and a couple of them ive had someone with me who saw what i saw. ..the first one i had was a huge experience and i was with my nan who saw the same thing as i did, back then i never knew about such things, never crossed my mind about anything paranormal..through out my life ive experienced paranormal, specially when someone dies that i know..ive taken one photo.. 2 nights after my friend passed away, i took it in his back yard and caught something, a ball of energy with a trailling tail behind it, and a small orb in the bottom corner..its great to get something in a photo that i took myself, i know its not fake and hasnt been edited at all... a couple of years ago in 2003 i was going through some bad stuff, and i was at my mums...i was in the bedroom, falling apart, really upset..i had the small window opened out into the court yard...i was sitting on the bed, then all of a sudden a BIG flash of light flew through my window across my bed and out the door...the next morning i didnt want to tell anyone about it, how do i explain such a thing, i didnt even know myself what it was...all day i was thinking about it, then it got the better of me, so i told my family of what i had my surprise my step father was in the front lounge, laying on the couch he had just woken up proberly half an hour before and he told me he SAW it to, a huge bright light flew through the lounge straight past him and out the front window...he was thinking the same thing as me, he didnt know what to say about it so he kept quite, until i said something...i asked him what time he saw it, and sure enough he saw it at the same time as me..4am...i felt it to be an angel or something to comfort me that night...ive had one NDE, but didnt see the white light, instead i was in a grey fog met by someone close to me that had just passed away a week may 2003 i started seeing sparkles of light around the room, now first i took no notice but then my friend who was sitting there with me watching tv, could see them to, so i know it wasnt my eyes, we would both jump at the same time, we got scared cause we could both see them, and werent sure what they were, i sometimes still see them, and they comfort me now when i see them....ive had plenty of other experiences, also witnessed by others who are with me at the time....

  3. After my uncle died 4 years ago, I would write him medium sized letters. In my sleep he would reply to them. I never told anyone. I thought it was just a dream. Then about 5 months ago on Oprah they did a special on EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) & talking with the dead. I was like "OMG! I'm not crazy!" and I googled it and listened to people's EVPs. So I set up a recorder infront of my dad's um. I replayed the tape and forwards it read, "I tried to get up." Backwards it reads, "I love you, pumpkin." AND IT SOUNDS JUST LIKE HIM! Then about 2 months ago I made a darkroom downstairs in a room in our basement. I had to move my Grandpa's fishing gear. Well, the next day I go down there the fishing stuff had been moved to the original spot. My mom never goes into that room. She only goes downstairs to do the laundry. I set up my recorder and sure enough my grandpa left a message calling out my mom's name over and over again.

  4. Yes!!!! My Mom passed suddenly of a heart attack on Wed. April 4th. That Friday night I was sitting on the bed in her spare bedroom talking to a friend about how wonderful she was and how much I was going to miss her...The door was shut and all of a sudden there was a loud tap on  the door and it flew wide open, cold air just filled the room...I just know it was her. A few weeks later my step dad was cleaning off her book shelf beside her bed.. this book shelf was off limits to him because he liked to throw things away...anyways he had thrown every thing away from the bottom shelf when the top shelf came crashing down on his head! He looked up and noticed one of the pegs were missing that holds us the shelf..the next morning to his surprise his work clothes were laid out for him (something my mom would always do for him) he picked up his work shirt only to find the peg laying right on top of his pants... Lots more stories if you want them contact me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. No.  Seriously.

  6. Yes,  I didn't like how it felt, so I don't let myself be in that position any more.

  7. I would Love to. A experience would prove the existence of life after death. How awesome that would be, to know that there's more! But I never have, except on powerful hallucinogens. And that doesn't count. I don't think its possible, which leads me to believe that there is nothing else. A shame

  8. Seriously?  No.

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