
Have you ever had a Supernatural experience?

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Has anything ever happened to you that you couldn't explain?.




  1. Lots of things...I live in a wonderland...

  2. not like seeing ghost, but I've had a spiritial experience.

  3. I had an out-of-body experience.

    I was tripping on acid in the woods at night with my friends. (Don't do that!) I was leaning against a tree. I decided to take a little walk. I turned around and saw my body leaning against the tree. It took me a moment to realize what was going on. When I did, I was startled, and I rushed back into my body.

    I'm not kidding. This really happened, and you really shouldn't try to do what I did.

  4. Walking along a coastal road one day both my husband and I saw an old friend drive up next to us in his car... he nodded & waved to us to say hi and then because the road ahead was blocked with flood water he turned his car with a 3 point turn, smiled & waved again and drove away.  My husband remarked to me that it had been some years since we'd seen this friend so it was nice to see him.

    About half an hour later when we got home I sat down to look the local paper and turned to the announcements page.  To my shock there in the deaths column was a notice about our old friend. He had died two weeks previously in a freak accident.

  5. Being a practising occultist I've seen a heck load of stuff. Some of it my fault, a lot just weird stuff turning up to say high.

    We've had silent explosions of light, weird treant things thundering through woods just out of sight, dragons roaring through the skies, almost being struck by lightning, ghosts, spirits, trees that gave visions of distant and terrible planes, psychic vampires, wind and rain lashing down in time with certain parts of ritual, a creepy box that sounded and felt like it contained many smaller objects only to be empty when opened.

    All sorts of crazy p**p!

    Do I believe any of it, probably not but that didn't stop it happening.

  6. Yes! I was coming home from work last night. As I was driving, I noticed something in the sky that seemed odd. All of a sudden, a bright light came out of that object, and iluminated my car.

    What ever it was, it took control of the steering wheel, and forced me to turn into a Krystal Restaurant, and order 12 Krystals with extra onions.

    Now my wife can't stand for me to eat onions {I love 'em though}, and of course being the nice guy that I am, I ordinarily would not order those Krystals with onions (gives me gas somthing awful....and I mean awful)!.

    When I got back in my car with a bag full of those 12 Krystals with extra onions, (and mustard), that light from the object in the sky still illuminated my car. I could not get the car to start until I ate EVERY ONE of those Krystals with EXTRA onions and mustard.

    Finally, after finishing off the 12th Krystal, I managed to start my car and drive home. I didn't dare say anything to my wife as I knew she wouldn't beleive me. Later on that night she did suspect something. Hmm..........

  7. I have.

    It was 5 in the morning at Disneyland paris' davy Crockett's ranch, I was reading a book in bed. I saw a ghost it looked like a mountain man or a cow boy in the doorway in the main bedroom in the cabin i was in. It just stared at me and i got the creeps. I decided to ignore it and i went on reading. I looked at it again but it disappeared into thin air. After going into the park that day i went back to the cabin and started taking pictures of the bedroom to look for the ghost. I found it on all of the pictures.  

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