I am 15 weeks PG with #2... my first pregnancy ended in a c-section after laboring for 30 hours (found out my child was in the posterior position). I believe I wouldn't have ended up w/ a c-section had I not been induced (was induced b/c my OB was 9 months PG too and wanted to deliver me before she went into labor herself), my water was broken manually which I have read makes a baby stay in posterior position, I was given an epidural too early, etc etc... the doc who ended up doing my section (my OB went into labor so she didn't deliver me after all!) double-stitched me and said I could go for a VBAC. So I am being allowed a trial of labor this time. I would just like some advice from someone who has had a VBAC. I know that this time I will NOT be induced (I don't think they will indice someone who has had a c-section anyway) and will NOT take meds too early, etc. I don't want to be pressured into another section once I start labor- my recovery was horrible last time, so painful, and I had a bad reaction to the spinal. Thanks in advance!