
Have you ever had a babysitting accident?

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Any stories of bad things that happened while baby sitting? deaths? injuries? kidnappings? Thanx! I was jw!




  1. While babysitting my nieces, I once started the stove on fire trying to cook something. Thankfully  I was able to put it out immediately with no damage or injuries. Then another time my nephew crawled out of his crib and climbed on the dresser (mostly empty) which fell (not on him). He was ok, just pretty upset. I had to explain to my sister what happened and she said it wasn't the first time!

  2. I was smoking in their house and accidently burned a hole in the sofa.

  3. Yep. When I was a teenager, this woman asked me to watch her TWO kids. Well, when I got there, her friend dropped off her kids as well. So it was 16 year old me and 5 kids. Anyway, to make a long story short, I found the kids smoking in the garage. I scolded them and made them go inside. All was good until I walked in the bedroom and found that they had spray painted the walls. In the mean time, the baby was in the living room knocking over vases and pictures frames on the tables. I heard some noise out front, so I opened the door, and the cat ran out followed by the dog. The parents told me they would only be gone a few hours, and it was almost 6 hours before they got back. Then, they didn't want to drive me home, so they told me I had to spend the night. I called my Mom and she came to get me. I only made 12 dollars. Needless to say, I never sat for them again!

  4. Yes! I babysit sometimes for a lady I horseback ride with, she has 4 kids, 3 boys and a girl, all are under 10, they are all normally very well behaved, they go to bed on time, but the one little boy, he is 7, I think. He has this condition where his blood won't clot, so if he starts bleeding out, it's like life or death. So, he was doing something or another, and I was upstairs with the two year old ,getting her ready for bed, I heard a loud  crash, and I went downstairs, the boy had split his head open! Here I am, a 15 year old, I was so scared, I had to call the ambulance, they took us to the hospital, and he had to have like surgery to get to clot. Or something. He was okay, nad he made a full recovery but it was so scary. Because he could have died, and I wrecked their new, whit couch. :[

  5. I was babysitting a 10 month old and a 3 year old, and when I went to take them to McDonalds for lunch and a chance to play in the playground (they're favorite thing to do) the 3 year old shut the door on his fingers and it locked. I had to put the baby down to unlock the door, and then rush him to see his parents so that they could assess the injury and decide whether or not he needed to go to the hospital. He ended up being fine, but it scared me to death. I cried all day after that.

  6. not anything bad like that.

    theres been frustrating things

    the worst was probably when the kid locked himself in his room and i ended up having to call the parents and all this stuff..

    ohh, there was this one time when i watched this 3 year old and my sister..we were swinging outside and the 3 year old decided to jump off and my sister accidentally hit her in the mouth and almost knocked her tooth out!! she cried herself to sleep for hours!

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