
Have you ever had a bad day at work?

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Prelude to a delightless afternoon…

By C.S. Scotkin

You all know I’m a nurse,

here’s a little verse

on the hazards

we nurses face.

I go from house to house,

trying not to grouse

about working

on a Sunday.

Went to my last stop

sent me over the top

McDonald’s might

not be so bad.

Love it when they send ya

to a patient with dementia.

Forget to tell

to you that fact.

Sweet old lady, ninety

took a swing so mighty

connected true,

she decked me.

Little facial bruises

Nothing that oozes

No blood or

Any pain.

We Nightingales sing,

put up with anything,

from doctors to

the TKO’s!




  1. Cynthia, that was hilarious.  I hope that someday I have achieved the perspective that will allow me to see the humor in what I do, but I'm not there yet.  Usually, I'm laughing and crying at the same time...

  2. Don't forget to add ice to the affected area......probably BEFORE you add the Drambuie is best.  Throw the frozen peas away - the Drambuie will make it better. (with a Merlot chaser)

    Patients eh?

    She might have been one

    But at 90, had none

    She heard:

    "The hearse is here to take you away"

    instead of:

    "The Nurse is here to give you a weigh"

    Just before she swung did she say?:

    "over my dead body", it should have been


    (I really am sorry to hear you got hit CS. I hope you are ok today.)  

    Chin up! (ouch, sorry bad suggestion)  

    PS ask for a re-match.

  3. Ah, but think of the stories you'll have to entrance your grandchildren.

    (You're invited to join us on our deck/porch!  Wine only, I fear.)

  4. At least you have make up to go with that attitude!  Sadly, the lady probably forgot as soon as she swung!  

  5. Whats that counter line...something about a bear in the woods!

    I have also been "clocked" by a patient...more than once..due to confusion, fear, pain. Luckily I was never badly hurt and did get to see the humor in it...but not until Much LATER!! Nice poem!

    edit: I much prefer Merlot to Drambuie ;-)

  6. I can relate to this. I am a home health aide, and I have my share of stories.

    Although, I never got punched, I do understand. God bless you for your patience, and for the good that you do.

    I rub something called nigella sativa, also known as black cumin on bruises, and they go away quick. I am a little into homeopathic remedies; no expert, just know some remedies.

    Wishing you all the best! May you have a blessed week.

  7. And this was BEFORE you came home to a house destroyed by George and Gracie? When it rains....

    Great poem, by the way.

  8. Really sorry you had such a bad experience - getting decked.  That wasn't the same day that the cats did their "I miss you" number - was it? ♥

  9. I know you are a nurse,

    And you wrote a little verse

    All about the hazards that you face.

    You go from house to house,

    And you try hard not to grouse,

    Even though it's Sunday in this place.

    Loved your poetic report.

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