
Have you ever had a bird imitating your phone?

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  1. my cockatiel does my phone and the microwave perfectly lol

  2. God yes. And the football crowd on the TV. And my curses when I drop something on my toe....

  3. Yes I have and it's driven me mad. Thanks for the link Vincent. We are sure ours was a blackbird as well.

  4. yeah my old mums parrot used to imitate da phone it was so funny

  5. Hi Vincent.

    My Parakeet,  Cantona whistles, laughs, coughs, makes a sound like  a seal and irritates the sound of sneakers squeaking on a tile floor.  He also makes sponge noises while enthusiastically rubbing his beak back and forth on his perch as if cleaning it.

    I believe he learned these sounds from the TV as I wouldn't even begin to know how to teach him.

    Good luck my friend,


  6. dam rite.

  7. heck yes my cockatiel has fooled me to go get the phone when its really him

  8. My Amazon does a great phone impression and Pop goes the weasel

  9. as a matter of fact yes! my parakeet would do that and a friend was over one day and she kept giving me funny looks and it turned out she was wondering why I wasn't answering the phone but it was the dumb bird and we were so used to it we didn't even notice!  haha

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