
Have you ever had a bunch of negatives and then finally a positive??

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I was supposed to start my period last Thursday and nothing yet. I figured the latest I've gone without a period was 32 days which would have been yesterday. I still haven't started my period. Every morning for the last week I've been waking up feeling nauseous and it usually lasts all day it's just worse in the mornings. My nipples have been really sore (not normal for me) and I have been having more CM than usual especially after a bowel movement (sorry TMI). I've taken countless test with FMU and all negative. I can't go see my doctor for a blood test until I'm 2 weeks late. What's the latest you were before finally getting a BFP?




  1. it can be pregnancy or it may be due to some hormone problems.check up with the doctor and dnt get confused with anyhting

  2. A friend of mine had her long-awaited BFP at 12 days late and was testing with her FMU, BFN after BFN until then! Even at 12 days late, I remember her telling me how the line was never as dark as she had expected, but was still indicative of a pregnancy which was backed up at the doctors days later.

    Don't be discouraged just yet! Stick on in there and perhaps hold out from taking another test for 24-48 hours now. I'm an obsessive compulsive tester at the best of times, I know how the urge to test can be too powerful to overcome when you're late!

  3. i'm gonna tell you the story of a woman who didn't find out until she was 15.5 weeks pregnant. She was obviously extremely late, so she kept taking HPT's only to get numeroous BFN's, went to her doctor several times &, apparently, her doc's weren't smart enough to test her for pregnancy, but tested her for everything else. Told her she just wasn't pregnant. She got the run around for weeks on end. She just knew she was pregnant bc her body was different. She had symptoms & her body was changing by the minute. Finally, she has a sonogram done at 13.5 weeks late & that's when she confirmed her suspicions. She was in fact pregnant. 15.5weeks pregnant. Her doctors were in shock.

    So, trust me, it CAN happen. Dr's aren't as smart as they think they are. Trust your instincts. Even if you're wrong about pregnancy, you're body knows when something's wrong & it's trying to tell you.

    Just wait until you're 2 weeks late as you stated & go from there.


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