
Have you ever had a car crash that WAS your fault. What happened, and what did you do wrong?

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Have you ever had a car crash that WAS your fault. What happened, and what did you do wrong?




  1. Coming home from work after 18 straight hours and bumped into a car at a stop sign and luckily the driver said don't worry about it since I just barely touched him, went home and went to bed and started working else hours.

  2. yes...driving stoned,strait over a cliff...killed me car and had a nasty bump on the fault,no one elses

  3. Yeah, I dozed off on the motorway once travelling at 80 mph and ploughed into the back of an old man doing 45 mph. That's the fastest his car ever accelerated. Everyone was okay though, no one was hurt, but both cars were totalled.

  4. My first accident was my fault.  I was 16 and hit a police officer on her way to work.  The windows were fogged up and I couldn't see as I was backing out.  Now I make sure that I wipe the windows off if they get fogged up rather than driving blind.

  5. in freeway traffic , trying to anwser cell phone after a super exhausting day. rear ended a car only going 10 mph..

  6. No i havent had one that was my fault, my car was struck by concrete falling from a building, insurance TRIED to say that was my fault but failed.

  7. Nope, but i've caused thousands!


    only joking. I did have a taxi driver rear end me because he tried to overtake me after i had stopped behind a parked car on my side to give way to an oncoming vehicle. He tried to race round me and when he saw the other car coming, smashed into me. He wrote his car off but only bent the step on my minibus. He then got two taxi driver friends to claim that they had been witnesses and got them to say that i pulled out of side road straight in front of him,  (not true) and he tried to sue me for £11000 in damages but i let it go all the way to court and they judge threw out his claim, and then his insurance company refused to pay my defence costs because he lied, and the court ordered him to pay them. They were £4000!

  8. I bumped someone once that stopped short infront of me - didn't do any damage so the guy I hit told me not to worry about it.

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