
Have you ever had a cat that just was not as smart as the others?

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I have one cat I suspect is not the brightest bulb in the bunch. Granted I love him anyways. Has anyone else had a cat they suspected was not to smart?




  1. Yes.

    Petey. He figured out how to open doors by pushing them, but never grasped the concept that it wouldn't work on the other side.

    He wouldn't give up. He'd just keep tossing himself against the door.  

  2. Of course.  Handsome, lovable, adorable, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  ^..^

  3. Yes, my mother had a cat named Charlie that used to walk into walls.   There was nothing wrong with his sight or hearing.  Just not-so-smart.

  4. yes, we had one and he was a sweetheart. he was very dim though and a bit slow and always overweight. we think he may have had brain damage when born or even been born retarded. He died very unexpectedly when he was young. he was 6 1/2 years old, neutered, indoors cat... and died from stress or heart attack after I brought him home from the vet and they could not find anything wrong. so we figured he might have had other internal birth defects too like thickening of the heart or something

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