my best friend went of BC the same time I did, because she wanted to get preg together & have our kids be the same age. (Our first kids our 11 days apart, and we didn't plan this at all, but she wants it to be like that again).
Anyway, I'm not stressing or altering my TTC plans. But she's all up in my business, wondering when I got my period, when she's getting hers. What her most fertile days are. When am I having s*x? When she's having s*x. When I'm due for my period, when she's going to test. How late is my period? how late her period is.
I'm so sick of hearing about it, it feels like she wants to compete with me. She's always asking so many questions- she charts my period & her own. I just want to have a laid back TTC moment with my partner.
It's something that should be between me & HIM not between me & HER. What can I do to make her realize that I'm happy for her, but I don't want her so involved in my baby making??