
Have you ever had a doctor of yours flirt with you or give you 'the look'?

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How many of you have ever had a doctor flirt with you.. or stare at you, beyond the socially acceptable 2-3 seconds?

I'm talking everytime you walk by, even if you are busy with a nurse or receptionist at their office -- they stare you down, smiling and acting nervous. But they seem too afraid to approach you beyond the subtle acts (for fear of losing license perhaps?). Definite, but subtle, come ons.

If so, what did you do? And did you return the subtle flirting if you were attracted too?




  1. yes, one seriously flirted.

    and offered me "special discounts."

    it freaked me out. i didn't go back there anymore.

  2. This is a curious question.  So, there's a limit on how long someone can look at someone else?  And people are suggesting you report him for giving you "the look?"  Ludicrous.  If you don't like his style, get a different doctor.  As for having experienced it, I've always gone to female doctors.  I am experiencing it right now with a male therapist, but it's so difficult to determine whether I'm misreading it or whatever, and I don't particularly care.  Looking at someone is not a crime, but if it went into a realm in which I'm not comfortable, I'll seek help elsewhere.  I would never return flirting that came from a "professional" because I'm there for some other reason, and I have never been attracted to any medical professional, so it's rather a moot point.  As a person who teaches adults who are sometimes older than me, usually my age, I understand the concept of boundaries and would never become involved with someone I teach, regardless of how much they come on to me.  I would also neither give nor return "the look" to someone in my charge.  That's just the way it is.  

  3. My doctor (who's the family doctor) frequently flirts with me and i catch him looking at places he shouldn't be looking at. He treats me like a male would treat a female that he's attracted to and as dumb as this sounds I keep going back to him because Ive known him all my life.

    In your situation I would certainly not return the flirtation.

  4. No all of my doctors have always been very professional.  If this did happen to me I would find another doctor.

  5. Yes! She gave me the look when she was examinning my prostate! lol

  6. This has happened to me. I was married to a dr. for years, so don't want to really date someone in the field. I'm not disrespectful at all, but not at all impressed or intimidated just because they have an MD or PhD. Definitely just see them as guys that probably don't put the toilet seat down :-).

    If you're attracted, definitely flirt! Why not. There are perks, intelligence, decent money, free medical advice...

  7. Wow.  That's totally unprofessional and unethical.  I would drop him like a hot potato.  I might even lodge a formal complaint about his behavior at his State or Provincial College of Physicians and Surgeons (the regulating body).

  8. duh, thats not very professional

  9. Why don't you oblige them.

  10. No - I really haven't had that happen. Ick!

  11. Nah. All my doctors are very professional. I never have to worry about them.  

  12. Just my Gynecologist.

  13. If that ever happened, I was totally oblivious.

  14. There was no mutual attraction, so I didn't take the bait.  She ended up having to close her practice.

  15. Once my gynecologist tried to flirt with me but I threatened him with my "husband" and said that his actions were not ethical and it could be worse for him if he doesn't stop. He stopped.

  16. almost everytime i go to see a doctor, i feel like they're thinking about something else in addition to the main purpose that he needs to take care of the medical exams and stuff.. and i do nothing at all. U kno, even if they're attrracted to you, they won't express any personal interest and u wouldn't rather try to do anything flirty because after all, what you thought of him might turn out to be mere an illusion and fantasy!!

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