
Have you ever had a dream that confused you or bit unusual?

by Guest62219  |  earlier

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Real dreams from sleep only. Example: Someone running after you and you just cant run any longer/ then you wake up or a familiar face but cannot put a name to it or some one from tha past.




  1. Our subconscious minds can really play games with us in our sleep. Running in your dream generally means that you are running from something or someone in real life. Seeing a familiar face in a dream is probably a face that you have seen in really life that you subconscious mind remembers but your conscious mind does not. Seeing someone from your past usually means that you are remembering a feeling or a situation from that time period.

    Dreams are a way that our brain sorts things out or helps us solve issues in our lives. Most of the time they make no sense to us unless we study them really hard to see a pattern or make comparisons to our waking life.

    If your really interested in your dreams, buy a dream dictionary and see if you can figure out your dreams yourself. It can be a lot of fun and give you a lot of insight into yourself.

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