
Have you ever had a dream that felt so incredibly real, and for the next few days you just can't get it out of

by  |  earlier

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your head?

Is there any explanation as to why it happens?




  1. its because it is real

    my dad lives far away i don't know his phone number he emails me once in a blue moon but one day i had this very vivid dream i was walking to the phone booth it was foggy in my dream it was like i was skipping to the store(phone booth)

    i don't remember the numbers i pushed but i remember hearing a message saying he wasn't there

    the freaky part is i woke up and thought it was a odd dream i got up to check my email and my dad wrote me and he said i heard u tried to call me sorry i wasn't there

  2. I had a dream when I was five that was so real, that I remember it to this day, and I am twenty years old! I don't know why it happens, that's the mystery's of the brain!

  3. I love dreams like that - long detailed dreams that capture your imagination.  I think they are a combination of environment and imagination - a visual of your brain working through and organizing countless thoughts.  I like thinking about them on the way to work   : )

  4. Yes , i had a dream while i was on holiday that i met a boy , and i kept on visiting him just for a chat about pointless things , and i realized it was dream just after my holiday , I even told people I'm going to meet someone , when i was out of the dream ???  

  5. Change 'last few days' to 'months'.

    I'm not sure why it stays there so long, but I love it.

  6. When a dream feels that real, and sticks with you for so long, there is usually an important message for you in the dream.  UNLESS it is a crush dream, in which case, it is just "wishful dreaming."

    God bless you!


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