
Have you ever had a dream that felt so real?

by  |  earlier

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if yes then could you explain?




  1. Yes.. but when i do, i try to write them down, seeing that they always come true. When u have another dream like this, feel free 2 let me know, i will interpret it for you. Things in dreams are never what they seem.  

  2. when i have dreams like that its always a dream of my bf cheating on me or I'm cheating on him.

    the ones where hes cheating on me i wake up and I'm crying altot as if i was crying in my sleep.

  3. When i was younger i dreams it was christmas and when i woke up i was all excited only to find out it was the middle of september.

  4. It's called a lucid dream - google it

  5. can't answer your question, but i swear i was hanging off a cable, and fell into a bathroom and someone was laughing and beat me up, it was SOO real, before i woke up, i felt so scared for a few minutes

  6. ya i have them sometimes like i would just have random ones where i would just go town or something c**p like that but then id have real scary ones like my mum dieing or something like that


  7. i dreamt that my mum told me that we were going away on the weekend and so the next day I asked her what time we were leaving and she didn't know what I was talking then I realized I must have been dreaming...haha really funny

    ive had a lot like that :)

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