
Have you ever had a favorite sister???

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~ hmmm,,,,,,,,,,if you had two ,,,,three,,,four ,,sisters,,,what would make that one sister your favorite sister above all others..............??




  1. i have two sisters who i love dearley but one is closer to me not because i love her more but she has a nicer personality

  2. Yes I have a very favorite sister. Unfortunately she lives far from me  :(

    She lives in Arizona and I never get to see her. She was going to come up for a family reunion but she didn't have the extra $ and neither did I to send it to her. She is funny, she was always the "pretty" one and we can go for weeks without talking and then just pick right up where we left off. I love her to pieces!!!!  :)

    Oh, my other sister is ok too. LOL

  3. Yup I do....ME! The rest of my sisters (2) were & are still mean to think being adults that would change nope.

    I do have a favorite brother though. We just get along cuz we are both equally dorky. Like we love Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, & comics....that kinda stuff. we just get along.

  4. If its any thing like a favorite aunt then i can understand.  Someone who you can relate to and feel closer too, someone who support what you do and is a good influence and role model.

  5. Sounds like you feel bad. Well dont. I totally have a fav sister. We are just close like that. We dont talk everyday but I would do anything for her just like I know she would do anything for me. We are a year and a half apart. We have had our verbal and physical fights but thats what sisters do. I also have 3 other sisters. I love them all to death and I would do the same for them but My fav sis is my best friend =)  

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