
Have you ever had a ghostly/paranormal experience?

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  1. Yes, again, in 1972 I was living in this house where the former occupant wanted me to leave he died in that house and was attached to it.


  2. We lived in a old house & it had a older lady spirit in it. at night you could hear her walking up & down the hallway. She used to have a habit of sitting on the end of my daughters bed. That is when I first found out who it was. My daughter came to me one morning & said the lady was sitting on my bed again mum. She likes to talk to me. My daughter was only about 4 years old at the time. I told my husband & he said he had seen her too. My daughter & husband can communicate with spirits.

    If you wish to want to know more you can email me, I don't mind

  3. i was at my nans, in my bedroom and i walked into my room. there on the bed was a toddler girl, quite solid looking but you could tell it was not a human, and it had a certain..feeling.. to it. and i could see through it slightly but it was so lifelike. i went to scream but a childs echo cry stopped me and it was increasing in noise until i shut my mouth, it then locked eyes with me and vanished. i was stunned and went to go tell my family but they were right outside my door and hadnt even noticed. i didnt say anything incse i sounded insane, but next day i was in my nans room getting something for her and i noticed a portrait, it was of the lil girl. i started to shake when i heard a very faint cry again. so i went out to my nan and demanded to know who she was. it was her daughter who died before any of her other kids were born, and no one in the family knew about her, she also asked me not to talk about her as it was very painful..

    so now im the only one who knows about her except my nan, and i have no idea why they arent allowed to know.

    i just dont understand why she came to me.

  4. I have. My parents bout this house real cheap. (Nice house though) It was cheap because some guy hung himself in its backyard about a decade back. So, in my house, my doors would randomly close, I swear I would see white wisps in the air that would disappear in a split second. Lights would turn on off and explode. Something totally started a fire on my stove while it was off. Doors would just close and lock for hours on end. Get this, our doors didnt have locks. It was weird, we ended up moving. I guess that Guy didnt want us in his house.

  5. My son three at the time would say to me, that a ghost man was standing in his toy box. Days later I went into my sons room as he was playing before bed time. I saw my son scared crouched down in the corner of his room. I said, what is the matter. My son said, ghost man walk through wall. I knew of a woman spirit that I seen at that time. Then one night a month later, I woke up from a deep sleep, and not knew why. I just happen to turn my head right and saw the back side of a completely white man walking away from me, with his arms swinging he walk through the wall like my son said. Funny thing was he was very short to the floor, as if he were missing his lower legs. But then I got thinking, I live in a trailer, he is walking on ground level. So now I know there is two of them, eventually found out there were two more. This went on for about four years, I solved some of the mystery. Three men, and one woman, the woman would come to me many times, we would communicate. She is my spirit guide, her name is Erica. One of the men was a bad spirit, I got rid of him. The other two men, not sure since I seen them only once....perhaps one was my sons spirit guide.

    It's hard to write down four years of many experiences.

  6. Yes, while walking down my hall, I encountered a small cloud-like figure.  I was walking so fast the I threw up my hand to protect my face from bouncing into it.  

    When about to enter my mom's house, I had a voice tell me to "Use your key".  Sure enough, mom was asleep and I was glad I didn't ring the bell and disturb her.

    I hear a voice that wakes me up many mornings. I think it is my dearly departed Dad.

    When I was very ill, I saw long slim fingers rubbing my forehead.  They belonged to a really tall figure, I think an angel.

    Others too weird to talk about.

  7. I know that some people on here get tired of these repetitive questions...but I'm always AMAZED at some of the new answers we get with new experiences we haven't heard before. I  don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing them...but then I haven't been on here a whole year yet.

    I wish "oldknowitall" would tell the experiences "that are too weird to tell"..Those are the kind we REALLY like!! lol

    I guess the weirdest thing that has happened to me..really happened to my son.He was about 13 0r 14 and was raised up off his bed while he was asleep. I had to push him back down to his bed. I've never really made a big deal of this..or thought that much about it ..and it didn't scare me then.  If I had thought there was a ghost there..I think I would have been scared. I really don't know what I was thinking. Maybe I wasn't!  lol. We had just come from a church healing service and he had said that when we went up front he had felt a "force" go by him. Maybe that "force" came home with us. IDK.

  8. Ok, I'm going to change up my standard answer. I recently had a new experience. See below.

    I've had what some may say was sleep paralysis but I think it was something else.

    The most recent occurrence happened a few nights ago. I woke up to something choking me. I don't have sleep apnea nor do I have a sleep disorder. I woke up and felt that someone was physically choking me but no one was there. My husband was sound asleep next to me. As soon as I lifted up, I immediately started coughing and gagging.

    Another occurrence happened when I was in bed as well. It was late one night, when for some reason I woke up. I tried to move but I couldn't. I tried to speak but I couldn't. My eyes were still working fine and I could look around the room.

    Then I glimpsed that something was at the end of my bed. I tried to get a better look at it but then it yelled at me, "don't you dare look at me." At that point my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Although I had my eyes open earlier, I couldn't open my eyes again no matter how hard I tried. I was completely awake.

    I prayed to God to get this thing away from me and then it was suddenly gone. I could move and my eyes were back to normal. I was so freaked out that I clinged close to my husband and fell back asleep.

    I thought it may have been sleep paralysis but I don't necessarily believe it was b/c of a similar experience my sister had.

    A few months later my sister visited us for a few weeks. She was reading in bed one evening when all of a sudden she heard someone yell "get out!" She heard it again, this time it was in her ear, "GET OUT!" When this happened, my husband and I were fast asleep and there was no one else in the house.

    She ended up staying up most of the night b/c she was so freaked out.

    I've also woke up to something tapping me on the shoulder. I lay there completely awake feeling this finger tapping me. I was so scared that I couldn't react. I just ignored it and moved closer to my husband and tried to fall back asleep.

    I've had a few other random experiences, but nothing as scary as those.

  9. Too numerous to name them all, I've helped quite a few spirits cross over, can hear them, talk to them, but one that stands out in my mind at the moment...

    It was somewhere around 2 in the morning and I was of course alseep. For some reason I woke up and happened to glance at the hallway... just in time to see a very large, very bright white collum of light move down the hallway past the bedroom doorway. It was brighter than any light in our house combined, and it had a golden spot right about where the heart would be. It was at least 3 or 4 feet wide (it's a narrow hallway, two people passing from opposite directions need to turn sideways, and this thing was nearly as wide as the hallway) and went from the ceiling to about a foot from the floor.

    I later found out from friends that this is an angel's natural form, which makes sense for me now.

    Occassionally I see white flashes of light during the day, I saw the tips of very large wings once, hear

    quite frequently cats purring or meowing, a dog barking, a doorbell ringing, a door slamming, also frequently hear what sounds like very large wings flapping in the breeze, it makes a very big breeze against my head and makes my head buzz.

  10. yes ive had quite a few over the years the most recent have been a little bit frightening, about 3a.m there have been 3 loud knocks on my bedroom door, which wakes me up, the first couple of times i thought it was my daughter or son but although i checked on them they seemed to be fast asleep. but one night it was just myself and hubby in the house and the door got knocked so loud i nearly fell out of bed. there have been other incidents such as a voice telling my hubby to go back to sleep, everything is ok, when he was the only one awake etc. also the stereo being turned on in the middle of the night, and voices coming from the tv in my bedroom despite the tv being on mute.

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