
Have you ever had a girl been really nasty to you?

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Have you ever had a girl been really nasty to you?




  1. Not sure if you would class it as nasty, but was getting on great with a girl on her when she decided to dump me because I was to far to give her cuddles kisses and s*x.

    It certainly hurts me

  2. yeah...

    and i had no idea why

    coz i had always been really nice to her...

    but you know what they say...

    what goes around comes around...

    and after she stopped being so mean to me...

    this bigger and tougher girl put her in her place

    and made her feel like $hit...

    i knew how she was feelin...

    but was so glad that she got a taste of her own medicine

    stupid cow

    mwah haa haa haa



  3. Yeah, after I told her i loved her. d**n, that wasn't fun...

  4. Girls, especially teenage girls, are absolute b***hes and I know because I am one.

    There was this girl who was my "friend" for three and a half years, she was so manipulative and horribly sharp-tongued. She'd ignore me and use me as a subject of her jokes when in front of boys, and act all friendly when she was on her own. Thank the lord she changed schools before I did my GCSEs or else I would've failed them all from overstressing.

  5. Yep

    She spent the evening back at her mum's nursing a sore bottom and never tried it again.

  6. Yep. She was fine when we were one-on-one but when other people were around, she treated me like c**p. Once she even threw a book at my head. A textbook.

  7. not nasty but this ho, on the train was just staring at me, I mean I'm a tall good looking go, I mean subtly with girls doesn't even come up to me, I was like plz *****, im better lookin then u hands down love, no point tryin to stare me out cos I look good, stupid ***** Id rather have lads as friends I can't be doin with ***** girls!  

  8. Ha yea, this girl that was right next to my locker last year didn't like me for some reason [i was new and really don't find myself pretty enough for someone to hate on me] and she just felt that since she didn't like me, she had to kick me, push me, tel' me to move very nastily when I wasn't even in front of her locker. Well this one day a friend I talk to that I told about the situation that doesn't like the girl either went and 'accidentally' ran into her. She told me that the girl was mad and all she did was go 'ughhh'. Then later on in the year she was running in from a different hallway and she nearly pushed me down. I was not in any good mood that day so I took my elbow and made sure that I shoved her off of me. I didn't mean to shove her hard but I apparently I did. She did get mad and stare at me for a good minute, but she didn't have the right to get mad after all the **** she done did to me so she deserved it and I felt good after I did that too. =]]

  9. Yes in primary school, she was a vile piece of work who bullied me for some unknown reason but then someone started to bully her, and she got a h**l of a beating from that boy.

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