
Have you ever had a horse freak out because of fireworks?

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So I never gave this any thought until tonight. I bought my gelding AFTER the 4th of July last year, so I'm not sure how he'll react. Have you ever had a bad experience with horses and fireworks? If so, any advice?

Please and thank you!




  1. they always flip out !

  2. Mine don't...

    But they have been desensitized to gunshots because we shoot off them.  I've taken them to alot of parades or rodeos where there is all kinds of different noises.

    If you're not sure of yours...stall them if you can.  I like the idea of 'testing' them with a black cat.  Standing off and firing one off to see the reaction.  Although...alot of popping is different to them than just one.  One of mine long ago...could take about 3 gunshots, before she was ready to leave.  Depends on the horse.

    Throw extra hay and check on them when you start your fireworks at home.  If they seem to be allright check again when your family is done with the festivities.  Soothe and pet before you go in for the night.  Just because you are done...doesn't mean the neighbors will be.

  3. i have had a few horses freak out with fireworks, if you can stay with the horse to reasure it just in case and if you can it might be best to stable him that night, but you never know they might not bother him.

  4. I'm having my horse kept in his stall at night. I'm not sure if he's afraid (i would think not) but I'm paranoid of mischevious kids :[

  5. The second poster said to find somewhere to safely shoot a gun near the horse. Not a great idea, just find a single blackcat or something like that, that just pops once get far enough away that he can hear it but it won't completely freak him out. If he goes bonkers then you have something to worry about if not I would just stall him for the night and let him out tomorrow morning.

    My horses ran through the fence yesterday, which is earlier then usual. Usually we pen them for the 4th and they are fine. I wouldn't recommend trying to get near them or ride them in that state but after everything is done and over with you wouldn't know a thing was wrong. Oh and if you have any cattle gaurds don't think they cant jump over them. My gelding jumped ours and ran home because of fireworks... well I had him for 3 days and he ran to his previous home.

    I hope this helps... Just please dont go shooting guns, a blackcat is safer.

    Also horses hate it in the mornings when the monkeys at the wild life park start their hollering.

  6. the closest our horses came to freaking was when hot air balloons came over real low.  after getting to other end of field they just stood and watched them.  after that we always knew when the balloons were in the area.

  7. No, I haven't but I do always make sure that I keep them in on fireworks nights.

  8. YES that happens alot... some stpid, teenages set off fire works right next to the horses paddocks (they were robly drunk!) and my friends, uncle's , horse got scared and bolted (all of this was about 1am!) the horse galloped straight into the feance and brke his ribe cage or something and died instantly! i would say KEEP ANY HORSES AWAY FROM FIREWORKS!!!

    hope that helps!

  9. if it's necessary to have fire works, have them as far away from your horse as possible, maybe stable him,

    if he was a hunter he'll probably be used to loudish sounds


  10. Lots of experience on this one!!!!!!  We board by a MAJOR Baseball field and Disneyland! .... We have fireworks YEAR round!  

    YES, horses are afraid of fireworks ..... do they get over it????  Some!  We have to move horses around depending on the time of the year ... baseball season or not!  

    Just an FYI ... they don't like when the lions come to town with the circus either!

  11. nope i havent, i was worried about my horse too but on the night of fireworks he was tucked up in the barn with food and his horsey friends and some youngsters. None of the horses were bothered about the fireworks, even the youngsters were calm because the older horses felt there was nothing to worry about.

    Advice: definatly keep him in the stables with food to take his mind off the noises. also try and stable him around other horses, who arent bothered about fireworks. other horses will give him a lot of confidence

  12. the only horse i've ever had that had a reaction to them was a 2 year old colt that ran through a 4 board fence becuase he was so startled by the fireworks. but none of my others ever had a problem, i guess it depends, too, on how close the fireworks are to your animlas. Good Luck and stay safe! I would try to give your horse somethig to do, like a ton of hay to eat on or one of those apple flavored toys he can play with or one of those treat dispensers. hope i helped!

  13. They do not always flip, it depends on your horses temperment and training. You should know by now how your horse reacts to fear, if you are concerned about not being able to handle him in that situation, keep him home on the 4th. Also, if your family is int shooting sports at all, see if you can find a safe place to fire a gun safely around your horse, the noise is similer. Of course this is a 2 person training outing, safety first, and adult supervision.

    Have fun

  14. It kinda depends on the horse. Your horse should be fine, but I wouldn't recommend having him nearby,  just in case. Put him in his stall or pasture and try to do the fireworks as far from him as you can, for safety reasons as well as for keeping him calm.

    Not all horses have an issue with it though. I had 2 mares tied up to posts outside the barn(mother daughter pair, 32 and 15ish) and I went inside to get some shampoo, heard fireworks(the neighbors shot some off), when I went outside(right away!) I found the mares standing calmly waiting for me to return. Lucky for me they didn't spook- I was alone and one of the knots had come completely undone!

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