
Have you ever had a life changing experience?

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Was it positive or negative? You can go into detail if you want. I just wanted to see how many people actually have had a life changing experience.




  1. Yup.  My dad died this year.  It was both positive and negative-negative for the obvious reasons, and although it seems to early to see the positive, I know I've been made stronger because of it.

  2. Yes i have had a bunch

    when my husband Todd Proposed to me!!

    and when i found out around 8months ago i was having twins!!!

  3. If you mean an appifany than im not sure...

  4. Yes and I've talked about this before but it really did change my life. My daughter's father was killed in a car accident when I was 7 months pregnant. I was young and didn't realize that could ever happen. At that time I took him for granted. I treated him horribly the weekend before he died. I never got the chance to say sorry and tell the truth about a horrible lie I had told him. I had no family, my best friend walked out of my life (another story) so he was all I had. Losing someone like that is so hard, you can't explain it, only experience it. I really changed because of this because for one thing, I felt it was my fault. I stopped playing games with people's heads and their hearts. I hope one day I can find another like him.

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