
Have you ever had a lost memory??

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Well when i was 9 i was kept in hostage, i only remembered this a while ago, and i'm 14.So its been 5 years. All i can remember was a murderer threatening, and trying to kill me, and all these dead bodies around me, then i screamed, and thats all i remember.......i'm trying to remember the whole experience, but they keep coming at the wrong times, and the wrong places.Anyone been through a similiar experience??




  1. The only thing I think sounds familiar is when I was in a car accident when I was 7. I remember the impact. The blood. The ambulance. My dad screaming for help and me calling for my mom.

    I still don't know for sure if I passed out, but for about an hour I didn't remember one thing. I just blacked out for that hour, and I ended up in a CAT scan. Now since I'm 14 I remember bits and pieces and I attempt to connect-the-dots.

    Probably the scariest time of my life, and I still haven't gotten over it. i was told if I didn't have a seatbelt, I would be dead.

    I hope you get through this :) Chin up

  2. .

  3. yah

    my parents said i used to block bad experiences out

    i just started remembering something i wish i hadnt

  4. are you schizophrenic?

  5. It is a normal adaptive reaction for your brain to suppress conscious memories of a lengthy traumatic experience like you had.  It woiuld be very helpful for you to visit with a trained counselor or psychologist to help support you as you start to remember what happened.  It is likely that you will continue to remember more as you get older and feel safer and more distant from the experience.

    For more information, see

  6. It could be a false memory, if you only remembered it a while ago.  I would talk to a psychiatrist.

  7. This may possibly be a repressed memory. Research it and you may find new insight. There are some memories that you forget because you don't want to remember them like traumatic events.

  8. if u wer asking for an answer yes or no

    my answer would be no

    and im sorry for you in what happened to you in the past!

    sorry for yu

  9. I dont have memories like that but the reason why is because you sub consious mind wanted to block away that part of ur memory from from you but as the years go by it will slowly come back to you. My advice is try to talk to ur parents about it and tell them how it makes you feel and dont worry that is the past leave it behind you you have your whole future ahead of you (^_^)

  10. I'm not calling you a liar, but are you serious?!?!? lol.

    That must have been horrible.

    Ask your parents about that.

    And sorry, but no I dont think I've have a similar experiance.

  11. Yes, I have. What I do is ask my parents or anyone that was there at the time about what happened.

    Then I can look back on it, and have a laugh.

  12. What was the question again?

  13. Yes I have...I have been in your shoes before.

    I was in the Marine Corps. for four years and served in Iraq for 17 months total.  While on my last tour of combat I was out on patrol when I was struck with an IED (Improvised Explosive Device).  It was over a year ago and I don't remember the full episode but the series of events leading up to it and a few things after the explosion do come to light at strange times.

    I remember it was a routine patrol.  My unit was in a place called Camp Scorpion doing random patrols through the city in a show of force and peace keeping.  It was normal, all by the book.  Walking into the center of town we noticed that there was something wrong right away.  A burned out car that wasn't reported by the last patrol and a lot of miscelanious gear, garbage, and any and everything else that you could imagine that shouldn't be there all in the same place.  I was part of a small team chosen to investigate the area.  I remember looking over my friends shoulder into the the burning wreak that was the vehicle when the IED went off.  My friend wasn't even hit by the blast as he was saved by his helmet deflecting the blast over his head....right into my face.  My face was cracked right down the center and I lost conciousness.  I remeber laying on he ground and seeing boots all around me as the medic worked on saving my life (Doc. Hacey...he is still my hero).  I was transported soon after that but it gets foggy from there.  The earliest memory I have is being in the hospital in Germany.  By that time I had been through three surgeries all ready to keep my ruggid good looks.

    The name that some of the docs I speak with about it call the condition Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.  It is something that people like you and me have to live with for the rest of our lives.  But you can't hide from something like this it is better to find ways to bring it out and deal with it.

    Personally, for me, it is smell.....If I smell something that connects me to that time and place I get that same surge of adrenaline and fear the memories just flood my head and some times I just can't keep up.  Its over whelming.  But you have to push through it.  Talking helps too, some times just letting others know 'now is not a good time' can make a lot of difference.

    I hope this helps.  God Bless.

  14. Lost memories do sometimes come back, but have you had external collaboration for this memory?  I only ask because there are tons of cases of false recovered memories.  If you have external collaboration (newspaper articles, police reports, other survivors' accounts) then I wish you the best of luck with this.  Generally PTSD manifests with these memories (if they are true recovered memories) so I would suggest finding a therapist to help you deal.  Check out the website below if you want to explore the issue more....

  15. lol hun, are you sure it wasn't a dream?  

  16. well, i have had things come back to me but nothing like that.  

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