
Have you ever had a myleogram? Did it benefit your problem in finding out what was wrong? Any experience?

by  |  earlier

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I had one Wednesday and am still sore and not getting around too good! How was yours and did you have a successful surgery? I was told I HAD to have back surgery and the Dr. wouldn't even touch me until I had the myleogram so he could see where the nerves were pinched off? Usually they say come back in 2 weeks and we'll open you up and see what's going on!! Remember when we used to get spinal blocks when we had babies and they told us to lay flat for 6-8 hours so you won't have headaches, now they say prop your head up at a 60 degree angle for 2 days and only 5 minutes up to go to the restroom!!! Be back on in about 10 hours when my time is up. Only time I wished I had a lap top. It's hard to stay down that long!!Whatcha think?

I slipped in here to post this before my man comes back in from watering? Commute with you guys in about 10 hours my time will be up so I can start living again!!




  1. No I have never had one. My back problem is due to arthritis and is called stenosis of the spine.

    Its in my bottom 3 vertebra and has put me in hospital and confined my to bed a few times too.

    The pain is agony Babe so I know what you must be going through. I hope everything goes well for you and I hope to see you back soon.

  2. I ve never had that but Iam sitting here thinking about your pain Iam sorry and have to stay still for 10 hours wow that's got to be awful, well our prayers are with you I only wish you the best and I know you will be glad when its all over . My very best to you. Will be watching for your return.


    Just kidding, sort of. I have had back surgery but not a myleogram. I do however think it is a good idea for your dr. to use every means possible to see where the problem is before your surgery. Just wanted to wish you good luck.

  4. I had one in the 70's.  They had to inject me again to get the dye out and gave me medicine that i was allergic to.  It was back when you had to lay flat for 24 hours so not to get migraines.  It did not help in any way, I would never have another!

  5. Hi Sorry to hear you are not up to par,   I didn't have a myleogram. My hubby had 2  the first time he followed direction, and even drank the liquid   , like he was suppose to, The second time he was hard headed, and even drove home he paid dearly, You do need this test in order for   the    Dr. to do the surgery, Good luck on the surgery take care   EDIT  10 hrs later just checking on you,  See that rest did not hurt you one bit did it? The only thing you missed today was all our political  beliefs ,We are a bunch of opinionated Seniors Ha ha

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