
Have you ever had a paranormal exp.? Tell me your paranormal experience!!?

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I have shared mine many times in this section.

I would like to hear somebody else's!

Deenie: You have to answer too! Lol

Thanks everyone




  1. I have answered this a couple of times in this section now. This is just one of the unexplainable things that occurred in this house. I have also seen and heard many other freaky things too.

    However, whenever something immediately unexplainable happens, we are far too quick to conclude "ooh, that must be a spirit." or if it happens out in the open in the form of funny lights in the sky the immediate response is "ooh, that must be a UFO." People just jump to conclusions to easily.

    Having said that though:

    I have seen a cross fly across a room. This was in a house my friends mum was renting for the family. It was a while ago now. I helped them move in, and as happens when you move in to a place it is usually totally void of furniture or ornaments etc. So was this place save for a cross that was about 300-400mm (12-15 inches if you prefer!!) high. Next to it was an ominous note with a warning: "Do NOT Remove this Cross from this exact spot!!"

    So, being teenagers, we were about to move it when my pal's mum screamed "Don't touch that!!"

    Anyway, I used to hang out at this house quite a lot - especially on week ends. There were a few 'odd' things that occurred. One Saturday night my friend’s younger brother and I were sitting in the lounge room after everyone else had long since gone to bed. We were just watching a movie when we heard a funny whistling tune that seemed to be coming from the wall! So we set off to find the noise and we went to his other brother’s room where the tune seemed a little louder. Now, you have to know two things here. One, this brother was sound asleep but no noise was being emitted from him apart from breathing. Two, he is profoundly deaf! So even if awake, there is no way he would whistle a tune. We then went into the hall, remember that it would have been 2 or 3 am, and as we walked down the hall there was a loud "bang". We found that the door to lounge room had slammed shut. The whistling had now stopped! There were no other doors or windows open, and nobody else was awake and up and about at the time. However, it did now wake the rest of the house (save from his deaf brother who remained in bed asleep) and they came out to see what on earth we were doing. When we tried to explain, everyone thought we were making it all up and being idiots.

    A couple of weeks later again in the early hours of a Saturday morning, we heard the whistling again except this time there were 4 of us that could hear it. So, two went one way and the other two went the other and again "bang" the lounge door slammed shut again and the whistling immediately stopped!

    Upon returning to the lounge, we were all a little startled, we were obviously in full debate about what was causing it and the brother and I were telling how it had happened before. The others were arguing that it was co-incidence and in fact we had not witnessed it before when the real scary part happened. The cross, that was sitting in the exact position it had been left before we arrived, literally 'flew' off the mantle and landed in middle of the room some 4-5 yards from its original resting place. Simultaneously to that, the door that had previously slammed shut suddenly flew open. Now, none of the people that were present are religious in any way but that cross could have been $1M that night we revered it so much.

    We all just gasped and stared at the cross in middle of the floor and then at each other - aghast!! Nobody dared speak for a long time. Somebody, could have been any of the 4 of us I cannot remember now, finally got up and replaced the cross onto the mantle again.

    Reading this back does not seem that bad, but believe me it was terrifying at time.

    There were many other weird things that happened in that house that were unexplainable to us. However, if we had access to some researchers all we would find that is these things could have been explained in light of day in a comprehensible and concise way. No demons, no spooks no ghosts, just plain science.

    There has also been the time I used a Ouija  board but that is a story for another time...

  2. i had a really disturbng dream. i had a ghost hovering behind me. it tried to contact me. i felt as if i knew it. it then turned into somehow i knew. it turned and glided towards me and tried to choke me. it was so real, no kidding, even for me ( who believes in paranormal stuffs ) it was way too weird and scary. i tried to wake up, i couldn't wake up, i tried to open my mouth, i coudn't, i tried to escape i coudn't. the ghost followed me and i started running but i ran in circles and i couldn't escape. can u eeplain?

  3. well this is my first true experience. it happened when i was 8 at my old house. one day i was playing by myself indoors.(my mom was in the kitchen) when all of the sudden i get the feeling of being watched from behind the basement door. so i go and check it out only to find that the door is shut. i open it and didn't see a thing. however i do hear a sound that isn't normally associated with old houses. the only way to describe what i heard is that it sounded like a wolf and lion or tiger this day have no idea what it was. i do feel as though it were something evil.

  4. I've shared quite a few on mine in here too, but I'll do it again =]

    - I was sleeping in one day, and I heard my mom yell, "Jesse!", like she wanted me to wake up. So I dragged myself out of bed and walked downstairs, only to see that no one was home. I looked out the big picture window in our living room and my mom had JUST pulled in the driveway from work.

    - I was sleeping one night and I felt this hot breath on my ear. A woman said, "Jesse". It wasn't a voice that I recognized and the woman sounded angry or irritated. It gives me the goosebumps to think about how that voice sounded. It was so raspy.

    - Another night while I was in bed (a lot of these happen when I'm trying to sleep, haha), I was kind of drifting in and out of sleep. Once when I opened my eyes, there were men surrounding my bed on every side, talking. It just sounded like a bunch of mumbling. They were dressed in suits and a few were wearing hats, like something from the 1800's. No women though, at all. I shut my eyes, the opened them again, and they were all gone. I was like... "Why are all of these men having a meeting around my bed...?" Haha.

    - I've also seen a bright yellow flash of light in the corner of my room when I was trying to sleep one night. It wasn't a light from the road or anything, we live way back in the woods and my room is in the back of the house.

    - The first experience I ever remember happened at my great aunt's house. I was 8 years old. My family was getting ready to leave and all of us were standing in the driveway. I looked up into a bedroom window on the second floor and I saw this shadow figure looking out at us. It turned to the side and disappeared into where a closet was in that room. It was weird how it left too, it didn't just float away or dematerialize, it was like it got sucked into something.

  5. i was walking to the kitchen [in the dark] with my cup to get more juice and as i walked i felt juice fall on my face so i turned on the light and saw that the straw wasn't in the cup anymore and was like 5-6 feet behind me.

    i felt something poke my back twice in a row today.

    i once bended over to get something off the floor and it felt as if something grabbed me by the ankles on one of my legs and picked it up really high. i would say, ...3 ft?

    haha lol. now i think my house it haunted ;[

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