
Have you ever had a paranormal experience or sighting?

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If so, please give details.




  1. Years ago my folks used to send me to spend summers in Poland with my grandparents, aunts, and uncles.  One summer my uncle died.  It was unexpected and the rest of that summer was gloomy  and dark.

    I returned the next summer and the healing was well underway.  People were dealing with it really well, celebrating his life, etc.  One night, it was especially hot.  Horribly hot.  I slept in the front room of my grandmother's apartment right by the balcony.  The door was open and there was a breeze that helped alleviate some of the unpleasantness of the heat.

    It began to rain.  It was pretty heavy for a while before relaxing.   The storm brought cool air and I lay sprawled out, just enjoying the relief.   Suddenly, and very quietly, the door to the living room opened.  I stared into the dark, wondering who was coming in.  The door gently shut.

    Then, as if just behind my ear, I heard an unintelligible whispering (sort of a muffled conversational voice).  I swear I could almost feel the breath on my neck.  

    The next morning I told this to my grandmother.  She told me that it was the one year anniversary of my uncle dying.  She said she had a feeling he had just come back to check on things.

  2. Yes.  

    One night when I was about five years old, I put a tooth under my pillow.  I woke-up in the middle of the night and saw the strangest thing.  It was a being made entirely of a neon-like, blue light.  I was horribly frightened, and my heart pounded in my chest.  I could not move at all.  I figured it must be the tooth fairy, but she didn't look anything like I imagined.  So, I closed my eyes and wished that it would be over quickly.

    Just a few days ago, I woke-up and saw my husband standing over me, but this terrified me since I could feel his back next to me in bed.  I tried to nudge my husband, but my arm would not move.  Again, I closed my eyes in fear.

    Instead of believing in the tooth fairy or evil demons who take the shape of my husband, I believe I have suffered from sleep paralysis.


  3. --» No, I haven`t but I love hearing about them ..

  4. I've had what some may say was sleep paralysis but I think it was something else.

    I was in bed late one night, when for some reason I woke up. I tried to move but I couldn't. I tried to speak but I couldn't. My eyes were still working fine and I could look around the room.

    Then I glimpsed that something was at the end of my bed. I tried to get a better look at it but then it yelled at me, "don't you dare look at me." At that point my eyes rolled into the back of my head. Although I had my eyes open earlier, I couldn't open my eyes again no matter how hard I tried. I was completely awake.

    I prayed to God to get this thing away from me and then it was suddenly gone. I could move and my eyes were back to normal. I was so freaked out that I clinged close to my husband and fell back asleep.

    I thought it may have been sleep paralysis but I don't necessarily believe it was b/c of a similar experience my sister had.

    A few months later my sister visited us for a few weeks. She was reading in bed one evening when all of a sudden she heard someone yell "get out!" She heard it again, this time it was in her ear, "GET OUT!" When this happened, my husband and I were fast asleep and there was no one else in the house.

    She ended up staying up most of the night b/c she was so freaked out.

    I've also woke up to something tapping me on the shoulder. I lay there completely awake feeling this finger tapping me. I was so scared that I couldn't react. I just ignored it and moved closer to my husband and tried to fall back asleep.

    I've had a few other random experiences, but nothing as scary as those.

  5. I have many...

    This was about 7 years ago, I went into the wood line near the road knowing there were a pile of stones and bricks there.

    I manage to load it all in a few different trips. Finally finished the stone wall and brick patio, and a flag stone walk way. The flag stone walk way was near the picture window where the couch was to where I fell asleep. My wife at that time usually wakes me up to go to bed, but I was out cold, she put a blanket on me and she went to bed. I felt myself coming out of a good deep sleep, and not understood why, until I woke up enough and felt the presence of a spirit floating over me. I didn't open my eyes, and kick the blanket up in the air at the spirit till I felt it left. I open my eyes and didn't see anything. About one week later, my wife at the time call me out side as she sat near the flag stone walk way, she said that there was some writing on the stone. I said, dam I thought it looked like a grave stone when I brought it said on the stone, Tilly Jones died 1880.......that was the spirit that came to see me, perhaps wondering why I was asleep near his stone.

  6. yes here is a link with one of my questions that mentions an experience.;...

  7. The contacts I have had are not "controlled". The experiences happen when I am just doing no brainer tasks. Now that I have had several contacts I can tell just moments before it happens. I've learned to pay attention to the things in the background. It helps me put it all together.Most of the time it is very clear- no puzzles.

    I believe that many people are being contacted but don't hear-feel it.

  8. yes a few, i go ghost hunting and one day in daylight in a cemetery we all heard a little girl behind us run up on a gravel path and go shh and giggle we turned round no one there, and the path is concreate, i also take pics two of the same thing and in one theres a man looking at a gravestone, clear as day hes not in the other, and the grave was of a man, and years ago i saw a girl crossing the road in a white top dark shawl and long skirt so vivid i slowed the car down when i got to her she wasn't there,

  9. I've never had an experience that has required a paranormal explanation.

  10. im 12 and this year ive really been into this stuff.  Call me crazy if u want, but i know what i can see and hear.  I can talk to my spirit guides and angels.  I can also see auras.  The other day i was practicing my auric sight by trying to see my aura in the mirror.  I saw my aura but i also saw  3 circles (one blue, one yellow, and another clear/rainbow colored) that were moving around me.  I reached out to touch them and my hand instantly felt warm.  Last weekend, i went to the cemetary to visit my grandpas grave.  That night,  i started to see colored circles moving around the ceiling of my room.  Most of them were red or blue.  At first, i thought it was my eyes playing tricks on me, but after blinking and closing my eyes over and over again, i found that they were still there.  I told my spirit guides and angels to make the bad ones go away.  Some orbs dissapeared, but there were still alot of them.  I also noticed that I felt like something was holding me down to my bed and i couldnt get up without pushing myself up.  I couldnt go to sleep because i was so scared, so eventually i just left the room and slept in the living room.  If you have any info that could help me, feel free to comment.  And no, im not making this up and im not crazy.  :)

  11. Yes I have I have apparitions that I have seen 3 times already in my home. Plus I am involved in a paranormal group and we do investigations every weekend but I can't disclose information concerning these cases for I have signed a confidential consent form sorry!

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