
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

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I think some people are more in tune to that than others.

I am not one that easily senses things like that, but I did have one experience. I was driving down a highway, and thinking about a girl friend I had once been in a relationship with many years ago. She had died from diabetes in her mid 20s.

As I thought about how much I missed her, suddenly the smell of her perfume filled the pickup I was driving.

I looked for some other explaination, but she wore a very distinctive perfume and there was nothing else that smelled like it.

It kinda blew me away. I knew she was there with me. I had to pull over because I got so emotional.




  1. No, I've never had a paranormal experience. I've heard bumps in the night, but they turned out to be just sounds of the wind or creaks of an expanding/contracting house. I've seen a person appear suddenly out of the corner my eye, but I looked closer and saw that it was really a mailbox and a tree arranged just right to look like a person with a cane.

    The mind plays tricks on you. For people with a very good imagination, their minds can conjure very full experiences.

    I think your friend's favorite perfume smell simply came back when you remembered her.

  2. I saw shadows in the night that is darker than the night and when I looked back, it was gone!

  3. No, I'm still waiting for one to happen. I'm not too hopeful, however, because when spooky things have happened to me in the past a little investigation always revealed some likely natural explanations. But I'm always open to new evidence.

  4. I don't think it's that some people are more in tune with the paranormal so much as some people are more likely to see normal things as having paranormal causes.

    If you experience something you don't understand and you believe in the paranormal, you're more likely to jump to the conclusion the event has a paranormal source.

    I have never had an experience that required a paranormal explanation.

  5. i get scared but no paranormal experience, no. its probably in ur head

  6. No,that would be silly.

  7. PeterD that is one of the best assessments I think I've heard on here. Thumbs up for that.

    As for the question.....yeah, I've had weird stuff happen, we all have. Scents are extremely powerful psychological influences to us. Even today for me....I saw my gf Wednesday....and I would swear that I could smell her scent a couple times since then. It's because I am quite bonded to her and miss her.

    Your mind must really *want* this girl, and probably so much so that from its memory re-creates her as best it can for you. This 'reality' has manifested as the stimuli to your olfactory senses.

    It's no more paranormal that knowing what a friend will say before they say it. It doesn't detract from you, or your experience, but I think this has a reasonable stance for explanation by common sense means is all.

    It's a shame she died so young, but if you were so attached to this girl, then she was lucky to have you in her life at that time at the end of her life.

  8. Yes, I have.

    It is possible that your experience was due to memory,

    Smell is our most primitive sense and can easily be triggered in the brain. Years ago a neurosurgeon by the name of Wilder Penfield stimulated parts of the brain and people not only recalled bread baking they actually smelled the bread baking.

    However, the experience was yours so only you get to decide what happened and what meaning it holds for you in your life.

    Read this quickly as the that the skeptics are thunbs downing me in their censorship campaighn to prevent people from getting actual information in the answers to their questions.


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