
Have you ever had a paranormal/supernatural experience?

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If so, could you please describe it? Thanks.




  1. I have never had an experience I would consider to be paranormal.

  2. I have experienced such paranormal and  supernatural phenomenon several times . I am sorry to say that I can't explain these.

  3. Yes, I have. It was about a month ago. I was late to school and i got out of my apartment door which is on the second floor. I was going to go down the stairs but froze when i saw a shadowy figure of a priest. I pointed at it and it dissapeared. I went to school shaking and shivering. When I came home from school my mom told me that her uncle passed away at 8: 02. I got out of the house at 8:02 in the morning and that's when i saw the shadow of the priest. My mom's uncle was a priest. I believe i saw his spirit and i think he was just wanting to meet me since we've never met.

  4. it feels like ur drunk at 3 am

  5. I have not and never will.

  6. supposedly that's why I'm up right now.  This morning around 12:00a.m I heard noises coming from thumping noises.  Didn't know if I was hearing things or what, but then my dog started reacting when she heard things.  This scared me a little bit so I got out the Gun and sat in my bedroom with it for a while.  Then I finally got the nerve to go check things out.  I checked all over the house all the doors and windows were locked and nothing was missing.  It really did sound like someone was walking around my house droping things...i mean my dog could hear it too!  The best part is that our neighbors told us that the last 2 families that have lived in this house (within the last 10 years) Also expirienced things like this on a daily basis.  Even someone climbing the stairs.  I don't mind that ghost so much just the fact that it's hard to tell the difference between an intruder

  7. I've always wanted to have an experience like that, but when I got one it wasn't all that great. I was pretty scared.

    Okay, so I was in my friend's living room. She claims her house is haunted & her whole family agrees. It's a pretty old house. But besides that, we weren't thinking about it & I was showing them my "acting ability", haha. So they were sitting on a couch & behind them is the stairway leading to upstairs.

    I'm acting shouting "Wow! You're such a jerk. Omfg. I hate you!" yadayadayada very seriously & they are laughing, but I'm trying my hardest not to. Then, I notice something on the stairs, glance up, & see something really shadowy. It was like a figure of a head, shoulders, & maybe half of a body just "sinking" down the stairs. I don't know how else to describe it. I dove into the couch scared to death! Of course my friend's thought I was "acting" when I tried to convince them that there was really something there, but when I was on the verge of tears they started believing me. It didn't surprise my friend who lived there, because the stairway seemed to always have a lot of activity.

  8. I was in a foster home, and went to visit my sisters who were in another home.

    Well the people there told my oldest sister to stop bugging me and my twin, only she wasn't bugging us at all.

    She got upset and hid in the basement.

    I went to go look for her as well as the other members of the family that was taking care of her.

    I opened the door to the room she was hiding in.

    I seen a vase hovering in front of my sister as she was staring at it, I was fascinated.

    Another little girl who was behind me started to scream and the vase fell down.

    The little girl was afraid of my sister and had to move to a new home.

    My dad had a lot of books on the occult so things like this really didn't bother anyone in our family, my brother could do a lot of things too, but I never seen him do anything like that.

  9. I am a very skeptical person. I have only told this story to a handful of people.

    In 1981 I was eleven and I was reading "Beowulf" and eating chili on a cheap, formica table. I had an empty bread plate to the upper left of the chili bowl. While no one else was in the room (or under the table), the plate began slowly spinning towards the edge of the table. When it got to the edge and was about to fall off I yelled "Mom!" and it stopped.

    This is absolutely true and I still have no explanation for it.

  10. there are a espirital world. another dimension. the 4th dimension. Jesus teach about this. He   call  kingdom of the God. I had very much expereicnices supernatural  in days   of  praying. when I  receive jesus  in my live  begining  expeerincies supernatural  with God and   his angels,  Two times I  show angels  with my opoen eyes. Two times  i  see  demons. I work  in a  cristhian mission  in  the amazonic rain forest. Here  peole  believe in the supernatural forces  , forces of God and forces of devil.   the major miracle is recive Jesus in your live.  Your  eyes are  opened   for the espritual world. read Jhonn caps 1, 2 and 3.    If you are  walking with God, you have protecction of  the  evil forces. Angels of God  protect your family. God i real.he  is LOve  and Peace.

  11. Well I will say all of them, I have plenty.

    Well on time when I was like 4 I was sitting in my room just playing with my toys when I hear my name being called. It was a faint scary whisper. I looked around and l didn't see anything. Very freaky. Everyone says that it was just the t.v but how could you hear whispering from the living room when my room is like almost by the back of the house.

    Another one when I was like 8 I was lying on the couch and my hair was dangling over the arm of the couch. I felt a hard tug on my hair [ my hair is and was long] I looked around no one was there.

    Then another time this was all in one night, I was in the bathroom and I was by the sink and I heard this whispering I looked around no one was there. It sounded like 2 people talking and having a conversation and they were talking ABOUT ME!!! I had this bad feeling that whatever it was was bad { NOTE: I could not make out what was being said, I just had this feeling.} So I ran out and tried to tell my brother and his friend but I could not get anything out!! So after that they decided to go outside. No I did not want to be left alone but I didn't want to follow them out!! So I turned on the t.v.  [ so it would not be completly silent] and I have this urge to turn around when I did { BIG mistake] I seen this black figure or I will say a man. I felt like it was a bad spirit. It has no face and it was facing me. It was in the corner. It took off like not fade away but like took off and I hear this loud bang like something heavy had been pushed over. So I went outside to tell my brother and his friend and while I was in there I felt like there was something watching me no watching US and listening to us. It would look from the window and it would walk around. No one else felt it.

    Just now the whispering is back again only closer, I turned the radio on.

    At camp in 5th grade I was on my bunk and I felt like someone was trying to get on my bunk. I looked up no one was there. If it was a human I would have heard someone running or the steps creak or something. Plus the bathroom light stays on just in case and I would have seen someone run. And my bunk partner was sound asleep when I looked down. It happened again only different. This was RIGHT BY MY HEAD!! So I was sleeping and I was freaked out to go to sleep and I felt this hand push down on my mattress. Again no one was there and I heard nothing and saw nothing. The nurse made bunk partners sleep on the oppisite ends. So If I was sleeping with my head by the shelf Erica has to sleep with her head facing the ladder [ she called it North Sounth I slept north she slept south.] Plus if it was Erica you would have heard her mattress move or felt it. Then we went sledding and when we came back in MY bag was on Erica's bunk. She has the audacity to say Cayden don't put your stuff on my bed I don't appreciate that. I was thinking YOU IDIOT NO ONE WAS IN HERE YOU GOOF!!!!

    One more thing, when I was in the cole mine with my class I heard this loud bang right behind me! No one else heard it but I know I did. Everyone had the same dream that their mom died and I woke up hyperventalating for no reason. Lets remember that I had bunk 13 BOTH TIMES I WENT only me. Bunks 13 and 5 are haunted. My friend Allison got 5 both times to.

    All the stuff seemed to happen to me.

  12. i rarely tell this story cuz ppl usually dont believe me. this happened nearly 12 years ago, when i was 13.

    my cousin and i were walking around a wood area next to her father's farm. we walked and walked and walked and we eventually got lost. we started freaking out cuz it was just starting to get dark... right after sunset tho we found this really huge house. i asked her who's house it was cuz she lived in that area, i was just visiting, and she had no idea.

    so we decided to go into the house, cuz the lights were on and stuff and obviously we thought that there were people there. so we get to the house, ring the doorbell, no answer. we knock several times, no answer.

    things got weird when the door opened by itself, but i was like whatever maybe someone left the door open and the wind pushed the door open. so we go in, we called out for the people living in the house but no one answered.

    as we're looking around i noticed a stuffed dog sitting in the center of the room. he was one of those stuffed animals that were real but then were killed and made into sort of a statue...

    anyway, all of a sudden the dog starts barking. his lips weren't moving, but i'm SURE the barking came out of him. my cousin and i backed off towards the door, and she started begging me that we should get out. the door was closed, we tried opening it and it was locked or something. then when i turned around i saw something at the top of the stair case... i can't explain what it was. the best way i can think of explaining it is a prehistoric woman. whatever it was... it saw us and let out a shriek... sort of like a bat's shriek. very loud and high pitched. next thing i knew, i was passing out... and after that, i remember waking up back at my cousin's farm in the guest room. when i remembered what happened, i went to check on my cousin and she was sleeping in her room. so i thought it was all a dream. then i woke her up, and she was beyond scared. then her father came in and called us in for breakfast, and i asked him how we got home last night, and he told us that we just got back from our walk at night, we both said we were tired, and we went to sleep.

    neither of us remember walking home or doing ANY of that. me and my cousin talked about the issue... and we decided to keep quiet about it cuz no one would believe it anyway. we asked her father about the house, and he said that there was no house that close. so that same day, at around noon, we went out for another walk to check out the house. we managed to find the same path we took... and we finally got to the place, but there was no house. i knew we were in the right spot cuz there was an exceptionally huge oak tree that gave the house lots of shade. the tree was there, but the house wasn't.

    to this day i don't know what happened. a part of me is curious and wants to know, but a bigger part of me thinks that it's probably best that i dont try and find out.

  13. I have suffered from depression in my teens years and so i always tried to kill myself , but every time i tried something weird happened that stopped me from killing myself. One time i went inside the refrigerator (my whole body into it ) hoping that i would freeze to death , after 5 minutes or so , THE POWER WENT OFF! and so there was no point of staying inside the fridge and i got out ! in another occasion i took a bunch of sleeping pills ,  my idea was the one of waking up dead in the morning , i took A LOT  of them , by midnight or so . I saw two white masses of light taking me by the arms and raising my spirit from my body and leading me to the restroom where i puked all of the pills , i felt as if i was having an spiritual cleansing from all the b*ullshit i was going through and after i was brought back to the body i felt a deep masculine voice  asking me : why did you do that? In the morning i woke up PERFECTLY FINE ! as if the pills had no effect on me. I know god is watching out for me:)

  14. Yes various deceased members of my family visit me from time to dreams and sometimes I suddenly 'hear' their voice in my head...

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